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为什么勾践要选择屈服和卧薪尝胆。Why choose Gou yield and Revival.

甲928复苏可能是其中之一。A 928 revival could be one of them.

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这个计划以活跃贸易为基础。The scheme reposes on a revival of trade.

此为男性香氛复刻限量版。A limited edition men's fragrance revival.

电视上的六十年代复古风也有一定影响力。TV's Sixties revival has also had an impact.

现在,相面术又有复苏的迹象。Now, it is undergoing something of a revival.

2015年高领毛衣突然卷土重来。Turtlenecks are having a sudden revival in 2015.

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从通过苏醒的史前的历史的侧面。Historical profile from prehistory through revival.

这是所有的,但复兴亚历山大思想。This is all but the revival of Alexandrian thought.

孔夫子的回归已经持续数年之久。The revival of Confucius has been going on for years.

然而,契弗复苏的时候似乎已经到来。The time may have come, however, for a Cheever revival.

让我们一起全进,尽自己最大的力量,直到复兴的那天吧。Let's walk together until the revival with all our best.

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现在该是复苏与复兴这座城市的时候了。Now is the time for the revival and renaissance of Kota.

卡利法诺说,水门事件将帮助民主党人东山再起。Califano said Watergate would bring a Democratic revival.

拉动出库复苏的第一缕曙光正出现。The first glimmers of an export-led revival are apparent.

以复兴早期古典风格为特点。Characteristic of a revival of an earlier classical style.

处理得好,核工业的复兴会成为一件好事。Managed properly, a nuclear revival could be a good thing.

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全球化与社会主义的困境和勃兴。III. Globalization and the plight and revival of socialism.

恢复奥运会的伟大意义。The great significance of the revival of the Olympic Games.

赛璐珞的这一特性,使它再度受到了注意。This property has led to a revival of interest in celluloid.