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他若有所思地盯着那幅油画。Pensively he stared at the painting.

艾丽斯若有所思地凝视着窗外。Alice gazed pensively through the window.

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福勒吃了个坚果,看着前面,焦虑地。FOLLMER eats a nut and stares ahead, pensively.

“唉,真的,”嘉莉幽幽地说,“我真想住在那种房子里。”"Oh, me, " said Carrie, pensively . "I wish I could live in such a place.

若有所思,她朝着切斯特菲尔德光望去并小抿了一口咖啡。She draws pensively on a Chesterfield Light and takes a sip of her café noisette.

大部分时间,杰克紧闭着嘴,双眼望着虚空作沉思状。Most of the time, Jack keeps his mouth shut and his eyes staring pensively into space.

白宫稍后发表了奥巴马不系领带神情严肃聆听达赖的照片。The White House later released a photo of a tieless Obama listening pensively to the robed monk.

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力宏就站在那张桌子旁,若有所思地看着那张桌子,完全没有注意到我的存在。Leehom stood beside the table, staring pensively at it, completely oblivious to my existence next to him.

如果您不当父亲,我就无话可责备您了。”安娜·帕夫洛夫娜说道,若有所思地抬起眼睛。If you weren't a father, I could find no fault with you, " said Anna Pavlovna, raising her eyes pensively."

阿纳托利在书斋里撑着一只臂肘,躺在沙发上,若有所思地露出笑意,温和地、低声地自言自语。Anatole lay down on the sofa in the study, and, propped on his elbows, smiled pensively and murmured something fervently to himself.

“为什么像您这种人要生儿女呢?如果您不当父亲,我就无话可责备您了。”安娜·帕夫洛夫娜说道,若有所思地抬起眼睛。"Why are children born to men like you? If you weren't a father, I could find no fault with you, " said Anna Pavlovna, raising her eyes pensively.

我把钓竿放低,让竿梢伸到水里,漫不经意但小心谨慎地把蜻蜓赶下竿梢。蜻蜓急忙飞开两英尺,然后重又回落到钓竿的梢端。I lowered the tip of mine into the water, tentatively, pensively dislodging the fly, which darted two feet away, poised, darted two feet back, and came to rest again a little farther up the rod.