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她把帽子歪戴着,一副俏皮的样子。She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle.

快乐的孩子们跳跳蹦蹦地走著。The happy children walked with jaunty steps.

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这是一段欢快的小调,尤格很有感情地唱着。It's a jaunty little number and he sings it with feeling.

道格拉斯,今年53岁。他是一个面带微笑、步伐矫健而自信的人。Fields, 53, is a sinewy man with a broad smile and a jaunty gait.

莫里斯说他从小就被人嘲笑,强迫做苦力,而今天他已经成为一名男演员和游戏娱乐节目的主持人了。Today, under his jaunty stage name, he is aleading actor and game-show host.

书里有一些实用的彩图和照片,然而文字却是洋洋得意的口吻。There are some useful colour diagrams and photographs, and the prose is jaunty.

她们都喜欢柔和的颜色和蕾丝,还有歪戴着帽子。They both like pastels and lace, for example, and favour hats worn at a jaunty angle.

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他老是精神抖擞而又老成持重,心地善良而又干练、自负。He always looked jaunty and yet reserved, good-natured, and yet capable and self-sufficient.

我在同一台电脑上使用过Heron,Ibex还有Jaunty,无线网络也是完全相同。This is the same computer I used Heron, Ibex and Jaunty on, and the same wireless system, too.

这种态度包括等级观念不强,得意洋洋的乐观劲儿和刨根问底的好奇心。This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness.

约翰,它可不像夏天里那些辛勤而雄赳赳的蜜蜂,而像是一个穿戴洋洋自得的伦敦东区的人。Not such as summer brings, John, earnest manly bees, but a kind of a cockney , dressed in jaunty clothes.

但不要将它与依附在山顶的简单层云弄混淆了,因为它看上起就像是一顶让人觉得欣喜的云帽。But don't confuse them with a simple stratus cloud clinging to a mountaintop. “Only a jaunty cloud hat” will do.

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在巴恩斯的前几部小说中,他完全能够轻松处理人们表现出的妒忌、不安全感和相互竞争下的压力状态。In many of his earlier novels, Barnes tackled sexual jealousy, insecurity and competition in an almost jaunty manner.

她已穿上淡灰羊毛女装,外罩一件时髦的双排扣上装。Carrie had thought of going for a walk, and had put on a light grey woollen dress with a jaunty double-breasted jacket.

当他不提出新的NBA决赛总决赛阴谋理论时,他就会在Basketbawful网上吹着洋洋自得的小曲。When he's not coming up with new NBA Finals conspiracy theories, he can be found humming a jaunty tune at Basketbawful.

本书开篇是一个名叫马勃的小孩子的照片,这张照片的颜色和手感都与灰色的石头相似。Gr. 1. Jaunty paper-cut illustrations open with a picture of a child named Marble, whose color and texture are like gray stone.

布兰克费恩,55岁,高盛的董事会主席和首席执行官。Blankfein, 55, Goldman’s chairman and chief executive, is wearing a grey suit with a jaunty Hermès tie with little red bicycles on it.

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然后我的注意力转向了绿色铁栏的那一边。Then my focus changes and beyond that green iron wall of plus signs -- just across the lane -- I see a jaunty woman wearing a cliché of lingerie.

正如你所看到的布朗的得意之作——那件经典的黄色雨衣,意外走俏的黄色竟能给生活带来更鲜明的感觉。And as you can see from Browne's jaunty take on the classic rain slicker, the unexpected pop of yellow can bring even basic black and white to life.

这种态度中,有对阶级的不屑,有洋洋得意的乐观主义,还有一种求知欲,加在一起就被欧洲人认为是幼稚浅薄的人。This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness which in combination look to the European like naivete.