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有时候我非常不幸地失败了。Other times I fail miserably.

他们在这两个方面都惨遭失败。They failed miserably in both respects.

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当我第一次尝试的时候非常不幸失败了。When I first tried it I failed miserably.

“没有什么飓风,”福吉痛苦的说。"That was no hurricane, " said Fudge miserably.

作为一个丈夫和父亲,我很失败。I was failing miserably as a husband and father.

糟糕的热天气使他们都昏昏欲睡。The miserably hot weather made them all lethargic.

中国?奔火星失败得好惨啊!开什么玩笑!China? Failed miserably to reach Mars! What a joke!

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你还记得经历痛苦失败的时光吗?Do you remember that time when you failed miserably?

真正的猛男,敢于直视惨淡的人生。Real macho man presume orthoptic miserably thin life.

非常不幸,西方国家的婚姻率越来越高。Marriages are failing miserably in the western countries.

阿道夫希特勒在西线的重大赌博不行失败了。Adolf Hitler's massive gamble in the West had failed miserably.

在所有的事情中,她的遗弃确实让他最为痛苦。He was really affected most miserably of all by this desertion.

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有的人被贫穷所迫、被境遇所压。Some were ground miserably by poverty, inhibited by their fates.

可吉娜不甘心,她暗中通知姐姐,让她去下毒手了。But zina unwilling, her sister, let her secretly notice to miserably.

长年风雨不断、洪水泛滥,山民无法生存。Plenty of rain caused many floods, thus the villagers lived miserably.

战争打了十年相持不下,双方都损失惨重。War dozen the decade be stalemated, both parties all loss miserably heavy.

男孩跪下去,跪在女孩的墓前,泪流满面。The boy could not help kneeling down to the girl's tomb, tearing miserably.

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男孩跪下去,跪在女孩的墓前,泪流满面。The boy could not help kneeling down to the girl’s tomb, tearing miserably.

他们在这场比赛中试着让巴蒂尔成为这样的角色,但失败的很惨。They tried to establish Shane as that guy this game and it failed miserably.

可是伸手不见五指了,想着要是到市内也没车回北京那就惨了。But unable to see, if it didn't think the car back to Beijing that miserably.