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坚持多元论的人。One who adheres to pluralism.

这就是多元化的宗旨。That is the aim of pluralism.

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——美国的宗教多元主义Religious Pluralism in the United States

我是主张人类文化产生多元论的。I am in favor of pluralism of human culture.

这也存在着多元论的危险。There’s a danger to pluralism of that sort, too.

我来简单地对宗教多元主义下个定义。Let me just define religious pluralism very simply.

知识的多元论就是奠基于这个基础上的。Pluralism of knowledge is based on this foundation.

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这显然就是文化多元论的立场。This is clearly the position of cultural pluralism.

宗教多元主义是世界和平的关键。Religious pluralism is the key to peace in the world.

这些立场都存在于多元主义更宽泛的框架之内。And those positions live in the wider frame of pluralism.

网络世界多元化,水滴园使您更加缤纷多彩!Network world pluralism , Patlly make you more colorful in you life!

齐曼对科学的这种解读方法也被称作元科学多元论。This method to read science is also called metascientific pluralism.

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印度文化以高度的融合性和多元性而著称。India's culture is marked by a high degree of syncretism and pluralism.

基地组织拥有一个重要的观点,而这个观点与宗教多元主义完全相反。Al-Qaeda has a big idea and it's absolutely opposite of religious pluralism.

基地组织拥有一个重要的观点,而这个观点与宗教多元主义完全相反。Al-Qaeda has a big idea and it's absolutely opposite of religious pluralism.

世俗主义也并不像许多知识分子想象得那么现代,相反,多极主义才是。Secularism was not as modern as many intellectuals imagined, but pluralism is.

一个强健和文明的多元主义必须能让所有不同信仰的虔信者,以及不信者都有一席之地。A robust and civil pluralism must make room for the devout of all faiths, and none.

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没有世界主义的支撑,城市的多元和杂种文化都会淍榭。City's pluralism and hybrid culture will wither away without the pillar of cosmopolitanism.

艺术形象由以特定人物为主,转为形象的多元化。The last, artistic figures took fixed one as the principal, then, were replaced by pluralism.

哈耶克为现代社会提供了否定性的价值观,可以与多元论和谐共存。But Hayek held negative values that can coexist with pluralism harmoniously in modern society.