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他杀死奥丁是谁在“仙境传说”神的顶部。And he killed Odin who is the top of Gods in "Ragnarok".

这就是为什么“仙境传说”带来的破坏给世界。That is why the "Ragnarok"will bring the destruction to the world.

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生活在宇航舰“诸神的黄昏”号内的怪物,性情非常狂暴。A monster living in the Spaceship Ragnarok. Very violent in nature, it.

他们还与主电源谁在“仙境传说”北欧诸神的斗争。They are also the main power who fight with gods of Norse in "Ragnarok".

当他是黑人咬了世界之树的根,那么它是“仙境传说”的到来。When he is black biting the root of the World Tree, then it is the coming of "Ragnarok".

类似于Lively,仙境传说有一系列动作演化的贴图。Paralleling the rooms in Lively, Ragnarok has a series of maps upon which the action evolves.

她控制了黑暗的世界,她的邪恶军队准备打仗“仙境传说”众神。She controls the world of darkness, her evil armies are going to fight the Gods in "Ragnarok".

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有一天,城堡将被磨灭的米德加德蛇,这是“仙境传说”的开始。One day, the castle will be eroded away by Midgard Serpent, and that is the start of "Ragnarok".

但在“仙境传说”,他肯定会杀了那怪物,但他也将被他的毒液杀死以及。But in "Ragnarok" he would kill that monster for sure, but he also will be killed by his venom as well.

以通用汽车的重组为例,这不过是充裕地把日程安排提前了而已。The Ragnarok Online Zeny restructuring of General Motors, for example, is comfortably ahead of schedule.

王宫内的消息来源说,事实并非如此,是过于热心的政府自作主张,进行了大量的逮捕。Not so, insists a source in the palace, who blames an overzealous government for the spurt of Cheap Ragnarok Zeny arrests.

希利先生预言奥巴马最终将以失败收场,甚至有可能成为“新时期最不受欢迎的总统”。Mr Healy predicts that he will end up as a ragnarok zeny failed president, and "possibly the least popular of the modern era".

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在此之后,他看到了“仙境传说”的视野,他知道有一天必须有一个伟大的战争,没有人能在那场灾难生还。After that, he saw a vision of "Ragnarok", he knew that one day there must be a great war, and no one can survived in that disaster.

毫无疑问,跟中国和缅甸的网民一样,聪明的泰国网民总是能依靠代理软件和其他工具绕过审查。Wily netizens will no doubt stay a step ahead of the ragnarok online zeny censors, using proxies and other tools, as they do in China and Myanmar.