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这是一种熏衣草香水。This is a kind of bagpipe.

根据母系的血缘,她是苏格兰的后裔。This is a kind of Scottish bagpipe.

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那么风笛是怎样一种乐器呢?What kind of instrument is the bagpipe ?

夜幕中传来悲哭般的风笛声。A wailful bagpipe played out in the night.

风笛是一种听起来很悦耳的乐器。The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument.

获得世界冠军的一个风笛乐队就在此诞生。It is also home to a world champion bagpipe band.

我确信你会。在下场风笛大会上大出风头。I'm sure you'll be a big hit at the next bagpipe convention.

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当排长把他的座位,一开始一个风笛五重奏移交“奇异恩典”。" As the platoon leader takes his seat, a bagpipe quintet begins a rendition of "Amazing Grace.

对于苏格兰民族来说,风笛已经不仅仅是一件乐器,更是民族的精神图腾。For the Scottish Nation, the bagpipe has been more than just an instrument, but also their proud national totem.

他成功的改良了传统风笛音乐,成功的将苏格兰音乐推展至全世界,也因而奠定了苏格兰风笛在世界音乐界的基础。He successfully improved the traditional bagpipe music, the success of Scottish music will be extended to the wh caf ole world, thus laying a Scottish bagpipe music in the world.