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这种药膏是用在伤口处。This kind of salve is used on wounds.

这样的话,你就成了那个因素的奴隶!And then you’re a salve to the factor!

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他给他们带去礼物,以使自己良心稍安。He took them presents to salve his conscience.

食物提升了精神,并慰藉了我的良心。Food for the spirit. And salve for my conscience.

早些时候我的丈夫拿了些药膏和布到房间来。Earlier my husband came into the room with some salve and a cloth.

有了它,真是透明性和互操作性的福音。It is offered as a salve for transparency as well as interoperability.

她藉著在日记中供认一切试图减轻她的良心不安。She tried to salve her conscience by confessing everything in her diary.

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瘾君子们借助毒品是想要缓解他们的消沉,焦虑,厌倦和自我厌恶。Addicts are drawn to drugs to salve depression, anxiety, boredom, self-loathing.

一个更大的团体提出,加快发展是平复部落地区伤痛的唯一办法。A bigger group arguesthat development, to salve tribal hurts, is the only solution.

这儿有些小道具和服务,可以减轻你的负担,解除跋涉之苦。To ease your travel travails, here are a few gadgets and services to salve the pain.

让你在家中从事的工作成为安慰和治愈心中伤口的良方Let the Work You do in Your Own Home be the Salve that Heals the Wounds in Your Heart

他感到内疚,因此他带给她一束花试图减轻他的良心不安。He felt guilty, so he tried to salve his conscience by bringing her a bunch of flowers.

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种花的人捐献花,那是精神食粮,那使我得到了慰藉了。Those who only grew flowers donated them. Food for the spirit. And salve for my conscience.

第四部分主要介绍其现代性危机思想以及危机的消解之道。The fourth part introduces the ideas of Simmel's modernity crisis and his ways to salve the crisis.

打开鼻腔的另一种方法是在鼻子上涂抹薄荷药膏,根据中央社报道。Another way to open up nasal passages is to dab mentholated salve under the nose, according to WebMD.

看来,人们把目光转向宗教,作为对他们生活中的困难和不确定因素的慰藉。It seems that people turn to religion as a salve for the difficulties and uncertainties of their lives.

但要是外行做的药膏--一种浓稠的、只会刺痛并不灼烧的药膏--只要它不会伤害艾绍诺,也不会伤害他。But a lubber's salve-a pitchy salve that stung but didn't burn-wouldn't harm him if it didn't harm Eshono.

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我没有唇疱疹,但是这个确实是好的唇膏,既软又保湿,同时又防晒。I don't get cold sores but this is a really good lip salve. Lips stay soft and moisturised. Also has sun protection.

同时声称,将来的研究还需要确定巧克力到底是抑郁的诱因还是对抑郁心情只起暂时缓和作用。They said future studies will be needed to determine whether chocolate is a cause of depression, or a temporary salve.

在事故发生后的日子里,为了缓解自己的孤单,他开始非正式地收养贫穷的冲绳小孩。To salve his loneliness in the years after the accident, he started un officially "adopting" indigent Okinawan boys and girls.