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铁匠有强壮的胳膊。The blacksmith has a brawny arm.

爸爸是不会轻饶你的。Papa is a blacksmith. But who are you?

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我想你爹一定是个打铁的。I bet your father must be a blacksmith.

铁匠正在打造马掌。The blacksmith is forging the horseshoe.

工匠用大头针把锁撬开了。The blacksmith picked a lock with a pin.

一个强壮的铁匠伸手过来抓他。A brawny blacksmith made a reach for him.

现在打铁匠的类比法更具有说服力。Now the blacksmith analogy is more powerful.

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铁匠正在锤烧红的铁。The blacksmith is hammering the red-hot metal.

在我年轻时我父亲立契让我给一名铁匠当学徒。In my youth my father bound me to a blacksmith.

铁匠给我打了一个新汆子。The blacksmith made me a new quick-boiling pot.

铁匠在铁砧上打成了一个马蹄铁。The blacksmith shaped a horseshoe on his anvil.

铁匠在史诗克诺索斯不出售头盔。Blacksmith in Epic Knossos doesn't sell helmets.

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铁匠在热铁上连续猛烈敲打。The blacksmith was pelting away at the hot iron.

根据契约,他拜一位铁匠为师当三年学徒。He was bound out to a blacksmith for three years.

他的工作是给铁匠拉风箱。His job is to blow the bellows for the blacksmith.

那个管道工把他沉重的工具袋砰地一声放在地下。The blacksmith planked down his heavy bag of tools.

噢,顺便提一下,我叫恰西,是这个营地的铁匠。Oh by the way I'm Charsi the Blacksmith here in camp.

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铁匠把一张铁皮敲打成一个脸盆。The blacksmith pounded an iron sheet out to a wash-basin.

铁匠从铁工厂出来安装马蹄铁。The blacksmith came out of the forge to fit the horseshoe.

铁匠用一块烧红的金属敲制成一个马掌。The blacksmith hammered a horseshoe from the red-hot metal.