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在使用过程中轻易发生起毛现象。Incidental in use process cottony phenomenon.

我们所采取的这些行动是随意的、附带性的。These actions we assume are random and incidental.

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你留着这点钱在路上零花吧!Keep this money for incidental expenses on the way.

它包括非营业性杂费。This includes non-operating and incidental expenses.

浅灰色的冲突是偶然的冲突。The lightly grayed conflicts are incidental conflicts.

在改变上层管理时产生的隐患。The sangs incidental to a changeover in upper management.

也应该注意避免不经意地共享这些密钥。Also be careful to avoid incidental sharing of these keys.

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邻近区域内的自杀是偶然的巧合.The suicides in adjacent area are incidental coincidence.

我们可否把这些项目都归在“杂费”项内?。Can we lump all these items together as "incidental expenses"?

我在学期开始时付清了大学的膳费和杂费,手头还有一百多镑钱。The firm allows him a hundred pound a week for incidental expenses.

我有学费、住宿费、书本费和杂费。I have tuition room and board books and incidental expenses to pay for.

而她的照片中包含的环境信息似乎是偶然为之的。That her photos contain an environmental message seems to be incidental.

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这些病人仅在偶然的放射线检查时才被发现。Some are asymptomatic and discovered as an incidental radiologic finding.

制造这支手机的公司——HTC公司——不可避免地要被提到。The name of the company that made the phone — HTC Corp. — was incidental.

而乙方在任何情况下都应无需为附带或由此而起的损失承担责任。In no event shall UL-STR be liable for incidental or consequential damage.

舒维泽和邓恩尚不知道这些关联情绪能够持续多长时间。What Schweitzer and Dunn don't know is how long these incidental emotions last.

意外的携带污染是常发生的过程内混合的另一类型。Incidental carryover is another type of in-process mixing that occurs frequently.

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灯箱要放置在暗室或用窗帘罩住不易透光的地方。Light Box must be placed in a dark room or curtained area with out incidental light.

该标识符需要保持唯一,而不存在与其他标记偶然冲突的可能性。This identifier needs to be unique with no chance of incidental clashing with other tags.

所有的房费和杂费会在我退房时付清。Registering with the Hotel and all room and incidental expenses will be paid upon check-out.