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这是个概数。It is an approximate number.

近似的和真实的的黄金螺旋线。Approximate and true golden spirals.

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形状象菱形或长斜方形的。Having the approximate shape of a cube.

您家房子的居住面积是多少?What is the approximate floor area of your home?

在松树林有一个15公顷的近似表面。The pine grove has an approximate surface of 15 Há.

股票至今已有将近似400年的历史。The stock has been to approximate 400-year history.

你们可能会问,这是一个约等式吗You might ask, well is this an approximate formula?

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否则,输出一类平顶光束。Otherwise, an approximate flat-top beam is obtained.

这是近似的,范特霍夫公式。And that gives you the approximate van 't Hoff equation.

这将为你提供一个局势的概貌。This will give you an approximate idea of the situation.

美洲自由贸易区将在2005年成立。The approximate date for the FTAA's establishment is 2005.

从某种程度来说,他们就是做这个的。At least in some approximate sense that's what they are doing.

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随后又运用了二叉树方法求出其近似解。At last, its approximate solution is seeked by the binomial tree.

本文用S型函数逼近模糊布尔函数。We approximate the fuzzy Boolean function by the S-type function.

这个近似近似的,范特霍夫方程。Is this approximation here, t his approximate van 't Hoff equation.

它具有许多接近于金刚石的令人感兴趣的性能。It possesses interesting properties approximate to those of diamond.

他们的数量从1858年的6000人剧减到1900年的600人。Their approximate numbers dropped from 6,000 in 1858 to 600 in 1900.

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通过数字仿真测试了近似计算的准确性。The accuracy of the approximate calculation was tested by simulation.

各种物性参数均遵循近似椭圆规律变化。All the above physical parameters conform the approximate ellipse law.

指出程式码中行数的约略值。Lines of Code – Indicates the approximate number of lines in the code.