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科技,火药,再次的中央集权化。Technology, gunpowder, centralization of power again.

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他加强了中央集权的统治And he makes state centralization even more important.

它呈现并且坚持宗教的集中化。It assumes and insists upon the centralization of the cult.

接下来的部分包含了三个集中式采用阶段。The latter contains the three centralization adoption phases.

对于挖矿算力的集中,我仍然认为这是一个大问题。As for mining centralization in general, I still think it's a major problem.

中国是有着悠久历史的单一制的中央集权国家。China is a centralization country that has the unitary system of long history.

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对杆柱实施扶正已成为聚驱抽油机井杆管防偏磨的一种重要措施。Centralization for tubing is one of the important methods to prevent eccentrical rub.

法国是一个传统的中央集权国家,集权观念根深蒂固。France is a traditionally centralized country and the centralization is ineradicable.

另外,参与集中式区域的区域性站点会得到识别。In addition, the regional sites participating in the centralization area are identified.

本课程覆盖了反联邦党人文集,这些文集对权力中央化和失去自由的趋势发出了警告。It covers the anti-Federalists, who warned of political centralization and loss of liberty.

所以说中央集权是…当然,图勒有山,在布瑞福修铁路会更加容易And,so,that centralization is--also there are mountains there, it's easier to build in Brive.

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旧中国中央集权与地方分权相互竞争,相互交替。The centralization and the decentralization in the old China competed and alternate mutually.

在组织结构中最关键的两个维度是集中化和部门化。Two of the most important dimensions of structure are centralization and departmentalization.

秦统一以后,在全国范围内建立起了严密的中央集权制度。Qin dynasty established the strict centralization system in the national scope after its union.

道德信仰在其实践活动中具有神圣化、元化和整体化的特征。Moral belief has the features of sanctification, centralization and integration in its practice.

该测试系统既实现集中化,同时又实现了开放化和网络化。The test system not only implement the test centralization but also the test opening and network.

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企业并购是市场经济条件下资本集中的一种基本形式。Enterprises merging is a basic form of capital centralization in the condition of marketing economy.

而在有些州,将区并入城镇的努力也经历了通过与废除相互交织的多舛命运。In some states, the centralization of districts into towns went through waves of passage and repeal.

那意味着,他们不希望-或更广泛地说,他们不希望权力全部集中在政府手中。That is they don't want--or more broadly they don't want centralization of power in the government.