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试举一例来说明。One example to illustrate.

让我们举例说明此方法。Let us illustrate this idea.

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我想给大家做一个说明。And i'd like to illustrate this here.

今天,我要跟你们详加说明。I will illustrate that for you today.

我讲个故事来说明吧。Here is a story just to illustrate it.

让我们用一个示例来加以说明。Let me illustrate this with an example.

我用一个实验加以说明。Let me illustrate through an experiment.

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让我举例说明对数从那里产生。Let me illustrate where logarithms arose.

究竟是瓮还是海关,你来说明吧。That or the customhouse. Illustrate thou.

但是它能证明给我们看很多道理。But it will let us illustrate a few points.

描图说明鉴定结果。To illustrate the result of identification.

你可以用科学方法阐释。And you could illustrate this scientifically.

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但它会表明为什么这是如此有用的。But it will illustrate why this is so useful.

直观教具帮助阐明你的观点。Help illustrate your points with visual aids.

演示这个技术的最好方法是通过示例。The best way to illustrate this is by example.

我可以举出好几件事来说明。I can cite quite a few instances to illustrate.

一个简单的模型就可以说明这点。A simple model suffices to illustrate the point.

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他指着图表说明他的论点。He pointed at a diagram to illustrate his point.

还有更多其他例子。I could illustrate with a lot more other things.

我制作了一张手绘图来帮助解释这点。I’ve made a handy graphic to help illustrate this.