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海盗的入侵导致了村民的悲惨生活。The infall of the pirates caused the villagers to live a miserable life.

后者称之为淋失,只有在降雨量高的地区中的砂质土上,才会有这个问题。The latter, called leaching loss, is a problem only in sandy soils in high ra infall areas.

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类似复合体A和C这样的云气,提供了新鲜气体坠落的第一个证据。Clouds such as complexes A and C thus provide the first direct evidence for the infall of fresh gas.

这些陨石的组合,可能是早期的地球上的有机小分子多样性的唯一或主要的来源。Infall of such meteorites may be the only or main source of small organic molecule diversity on the early earth.

此房位于徐州路与宁夏路交叉处,徐州路107号,是部队家属院,绝对安全。This room located at Xuzhoulu and the Ningxia road infall , Xuzhoulu 107, is the army family member courtyard, absolute safety.

上述努力创造了发展国内实业的有利氛围,促进了经济的发展,在一定程度上维护并挽回了某些利权,推动了现代化的进程。These measures impulsed the development of native sticked up to the infall of foreign economy effective ly and promoted chinese modernization course.

根据它的弧形运行轨道,它可能是沿着丝状物质流外缘进入,也可能是沿另一股小型丝状流涌入的。It may have fallen along the outer edge of the filament, causing its infall trajectory to curve, or it may be falling in along another, smaller filament.

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上述努力创造了发展国内实业的有利氛围,促进了经济的发展,在一定程度上维护并挽回了某些利权,推动了现代化的进程。These measures impulsed the development of native capitalism, sticked up to the infall of foreign economy effectively and promoted Chinese modernization course.

然而,较低的金属丰度及丰度梯度意味着SFE不能过高,贫金属星很少又暗示着下落时标不能很短。However, the low nietallicity and flat abundance gradient require lower star formation efficiency, and few metal poor stars means the infall time scale can not be very short.

根据国家土壤质量一级标准计算的底泥重金属潜在生态风险性指数表明,进水口区域为中等污染风险,而湖泊的围网养殖区处于轻度污染风险。Ecological risk index of heavy metals in the sediment exhibited a medium pollution risk of combined heavy metals in infall port and low risk in the purse-net agricultural region.

评价结果证实,扎龙湿地从进水区、核心区到出水区污染程度有依次降低的趋势,这说明湿地对污染物有一定的净化作用。The results indicate pollution degree reduces from infall area to core area, and to outfall area, which shows wetland could purify contamination when water flows through the wetland.

结合水文资料和其他层次的浮游植物资料进行对比分析,结果表明,红海束毛藻的分布与黑潮水的入侵存在一定关系,其分布受水团和海流的影响。The results showed that the distribution of Trichodesmium erythraeum had relationship with the infall of Kuroshio current, and its distribution was affected by water mass and ocean current.