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给他警告!To warn him!

我必须去警告师傅!I must warn Shifu.

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他捎信来警告我。He sent to warn me.

阻止她,警告她?Stop her? Warn her?

那,你为什么没有提醒我呢?Well, why didn’t you warn me?

我只是想要警告你们一下。I wanted to warn you about that.

我得提醒你防着点那个男人。I must warn you against that man.

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腿细别高兴,易得心脏病?Thin Thighs Warn of Heart Disease?

我妻子提醒我我关窗。My wife warn me to shot the window.

我警告你这头公牛会撞人。I warn you that the bull will charge.

揿响喇叭提醒其他的司机。Sound your horn to warn other drivers.

当地的樵夫来警告你一下。Just a local woodsman here to warn you.

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我再提醒大家一下。Let me just warn you couple more times.

按喇叭警告另一位驾驶员。Sound your horn to warn the other driver.

如果变形成功,提示你的同伴。If the Polymorph succeeded, warn your party.

他按喇叭提醒对方司机。2。通知。He sounded his horn to warn the other driver.

既警告又宣讲福音是必须的。It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize.

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既要宣讲福音,也要给予警告。It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize.

多比要保护哈里•波特,要提醒他。Dobby has to protect Harry Potter, to warn him.

不要说我没告诉你他是一个花花公子。Don't say I didn't warn you, he is a womanizer.