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这要塞没设任何出入的门禁。No doors there are to this stronghold.

当你坐着时,要做真理的保垒。When you sit, be the stronghold of truth.

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我们部队正向敌人的据点推进。Our troops are driving toward the enemy stronghold.

苏贞昌不会再国民党的大本营台北胜选。Mr Su is unlikely to win in Taipei, a KMT stronghold.

西班牙人直到1572年才攻下了位于比尔卡班巴城的印加根据地。The Spanish wouldn't subdue the stronghold until 1572.

战俘们在这个纳粹据点地下挖出了三条隧道。POWs excavated three tunnels below this Nazi stronghold.

石惊天将其抓住,并问出了他们的一个据点。Stone surprised to seize it, and asked them a stronghold.

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它是安插在自我的中心堡垒中的暗探。It is the spy seated in the central stronghold of the ego.

它曾是哈肯尼人的据点,但那是古老的历史了。It was a Harkonnen stronghold , but that's ancient history.

他是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高台。He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

他们不发一枪就占领了敌人的要赛。They captured the enemy's stronghold without striking a blow.

铁证如山,我方一举拿下最后一个日伪据点。Irrefutable evidence, we had the last one day every stronghold.

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石头城南建烽火台,为军事重镇。Seongnam stone beacon towers built for the military stronghold.

菲律宾巴西兰岛是多个武装团伙的据点。Philippines is the number of armed groups in Basilan stronghold.

我军终于夺回了要塞,但损失严重。Our troops finally retook the stronghold but suffered great loss.

耶和华又要给受欺压的人作高台,在患难的时候作高台。The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

莱斯利最喜欢的地方,除了城堡,就是这片杉木林了。Lesilie'sfavorite place besides the castle stronghold was the pine forest.

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达味恰在山砦内,而培肋舍特人当时在白冷驻防。David was in the stronghold while the Philistine garrison was at Bethlehem.

上主将是受迫害者的碉堡,作他困厄中及时的避难所。The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, stronghold in times of trouble.

在据点城里访问了英烈祠的英雄将变成更好的武士。Heroes visiting the Hall of Valhalla in a Stronghold become better warriors.