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迈阿密我也喜欢。Miami I like too.

马宏抵达了迈阿密。Mahone arrives in Miami.

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是的,飞往迈阿密的207次航班。Yes, Flight 207 to Miami?

你是我的到迈阿米的免费乘客吗?。Are you my deadheading to Miami?

哦,我最初从迈阿密来。Well, I’m from Miami originally.

下一个星期,我将开车去麦阿密。Next week, I will drive to Miami.

然后下一周去迈阿密,and next week we are going to Miami

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我要往看望在迈阿稀的母亲。I would like to see my mother in Miami.

1926年,佛罗里达州大迈阿密飓风The Great Miami Hurricane, Florida, 1926

很明显,这就是我在迈阿密的结局。Obviously that was the end of me in Miami.

玛丽出生在古巴,两岁时举家搬迁到迈阿密市。Anybody in Cuba can get Miami on his radio.

这是热火队的第一个NBA总冠军。It was the Miami Heat's first championship.

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热火打出了配合,而小牛祭出了防守。Miami ran plays and the Mavs played defense.

你想让我们和你回去,去迈阿密?You want us to come back with you, to Miami?

今天,我在迈阿密的一间酒吧碰到一个老人。Today, I met an elderly man at a bar in Miami.

迈阿密阵容中的三当家---波什。The third King in the Miami lineup, Chris Bosh.

迈阿密——德维恩·韦德准备要打篮球了。MIAMI -- Dwyane Wade is ready to play basketball.

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这地方原是一个古老的印弟安村庄,叫迈阿密。This area was an old Indian village, called Miami.

他要在家里整出一所小型学院的气氛来。He planned to bring a little college home to Miami.

Meek先生是迈阿密的国会议员,是一个非裔美国人。Mr. Meek, a Miami congressman, is African-American.