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之后他说,‘我能把剧本给我的朋友克林特看看吗?’Then he said, ‘Can I show it to my friend Clint?’

成为复仇者给他指明一条道路,一个赎救自我的机会。Being an Avenger gives Clint his path and redeems him.

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他和克林特简直就像来自上世纪的水手。He and Clint are rather like sailors from a bygone century.

2007年,史蒂芬.斯皮伯格,克林特.伊斯特伍德和艾伦.德杰尼勒斯Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, and Ellen Degeneres, 2007

当数到这里时,克林特就是复仇者的故事。When it comes right down to it, Clint is the Avengers story.

Clint较伊斯特伍德,李马文在宣传片仍油漆你的车皮。Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin in a promo still for Paint Your Wagon.

那个角色是一位45岁的女人,然后克林特说,这就是一位45岁的女人。The part was for a 45-year-old woman, and Clint said, 'This is a 45-year-old woman.

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大部分观众只认为克林·伊斯特伍德是个手持357口径大左轮枪、战无不胜的家伙。To most moviegoers, Clint Eastwood is the man on the winning side of a. 357 Magnum.

20世纪70年代,为克林特伊斯特伍德主演电影“挑战”创作的海报是一个杰作。A notable example from the 1970s is the poster for The Gauntlet, starring Clint Eastwood.

空手道冠军克林寇拉,以他正面的行动以及个人优势,激励他人。Karate champion Clint Cora inspires others with his positive actions and personal strength.

克林特·伊斯特伍德,演员和奥斯卡最佳导演、制片人、出生在旧金山。Clint Eastwood, actor, and an Oscar-winning director and producer, is born in San Francisco.

克林特.希尔,前特勤处副主任,服务过五位总统。Clint Hill, a former assistant director of the Secret Service, served under five presidents.

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克林特·科拉是一位激发演讲家,作家和温哥华跆拳道世界锦标赛的冠军。Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author & Karate World Champion based near Toronto, Canada.

这不仅仅是一部体育类电影,也不仅仅是另一部柯林特·伊斯特伍德式的电影。This is much more than just another sports movie or "another Clint Eastwood awards season movie."

Clint和我发誓要早点睡觉,但我们结果一直聊到关门。Clint and I vowed to go to bed early, but we ended up having so much fun we closed the place down.

东木的电影巧妙地躲过了雷区,仅仅聚焦于太平洋战争中的一场战斗。Clint Eastwood's movie sidesteps the minefield by focusing on a single battle in the Pacific theater.

西部服装扮演一位像柯林特·伊斯特伍德那样女人版本的策马持枪的牛仔。Stone looked terrific in Western duds playing something of a distaff version of a Clint Eastwood-like gunfighter.

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好的,据我们所知,凯文科斯特纳正在与艾什顿库奇合作电影,而克林特伊斯特伍德正在导演马特达蒙的影片。Yeah, we know, we know -- Kevin Costner makes movies with Ashton Kutcher now, and Clint Eastwood directs Matt Damon movies.

这的确吸引眼球、值得纪念,但是这与导演克林特·伊斯特伍德的低调风格完全背道而驰,这对里昂来说是个遗憾。It is compelling and memorable, but it is, sadly for Leo, entirely at odds with director Clint Eastwood's micro-stated tone.

我想大概是因为摩根弗里曼和克林特伊斯特伍德在成事在人中的才华和表演已经使其受到人们的关注吧。Well, my guess is that it was because Invictus was already surging because of the talents of Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood.