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当这个可怕的东西下潜,我担心它不会再浮出水面。When that monstrosity submerges , I fear it will never rise again.

当兰波回来时,他驾驶著一架叮当作响的机械怪物。When he returned, he was at the helm of a clanking, mechanized monstrosity.

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每个人于是知道有个巨大的怪物朝镇子直冲来了。Everybody then knows there is a giant monstrosity headed straight for the town.

高亢的福音曲调之后,是对好莱坞文化这个怪兽的激烈驳斥。An uplifting gospel tune with a ferocious polemic on the monstrosity of Hollywood culture?

还是说它纯属令人堕落的嗜好、一个人造的魔兽,所以我们就理应赋税?Or is it a filthy indulgence, a manufactured monstrosity for which we should justifiably be taxed?

克里斯蒂安·贝尔之所以留着这野兽般的面部特征是因为他现在不工作。Christian Bale is growing this facial monstrosity because he's not working right now. Re-read that.

在冬天的时候,你很容易忽视你的脚,知道他们变成史瑞克似的怪物。In the winter months, it’s easy to ignore your feet until they morph into a Shrek-like monstrosity.

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现在爱翘嘴的‘高贵辣妹’穿着一件又一件紧身的奇装异服,简直能把它们给撑爆了。In one skinny-mini monstrosity after another, pouty posh can really wreck-em, " he said in a statement."

火车总站这座难以激起旅行浪漫快感的混凝土怪物,就是一个极好的例子。A good example is the main train station – a concrete monstrosity that hardly evokes the romance of travel.

当然,这一令人泣笑皆否的怪异,也由此包含了一种对抗性游戏的全部刺激与愉悦。Certainly, this cry-and-laugh monstrosity also contains the whole stimulation and joviality in a defensive game.

当然,要是他们愿意为你提供那种在死亡边缘,半生不熟的怪物。That is, unless they're willing to serve you some kind of half live-half dead, half cooked-half raw zombie monstrosity.

那份2300页的庞然大物是美国历史上最失败的法案,却被认为有用处。That 2,300-page monstrosity is the worst piece of legislation ever passed in U.S. history, and that is saying something.

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那份2300页的庞然大物是美国历史上最失败的法案,却被认为有用处。That 2, 300-page monstrosity is the worst piece of legislation ever passed in U.S. history, and that is saying something.

近亲婚配家族生育子女仍是出现遗传病和先天畸形儿的主要原因之一。Near relative wedding was still one of the main reasons to beget i nheri tance disease and congenital monstrosity infants.

半睁开眼睛,他发现自己面对着一个奇形怪状的东西——这个黑色的、模糊不清的大东西,有着颤动的腿,还有发光的眼睛。Half-opening an eye, he found himself staring at a monstrosity —a dark, indistinct mass of squirming legs and glittering eyes.

即使是怪物被称为欧洲隧道连接伦敦和巴黎是赚钱,所以我们假设什么是可能的。Even the monstrosity known as the Eurotunnel that connects London and Paris makes a profit now, so we suppose anything's possible.

然而,团结西方尺度的宽下颚骨和大笑容,便培育了一此中国人看了想吐的怪物。However, when combined with the western standard of wide jaw bone and a big smile, it creates a monstrosity that most Chinese man will turn away from.

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如果不去持续关注应用软件的质量,那么今天的艺术之国方案,可能就成为明天的垃圾糟粕。Without constant attention to application software quality, today's state-of-the-art application can quickly devolve into tomorrow's legacy monstrosity.

各地滋生了专门做日光浴的美容院,你可以坐在屋子里看她们是如何把你皮肤变成带点橙色的,像发着光的小怪物,看起来好像是从哪个实验室的瓶子里逃出来的。Tanning salonsare all over the place, waiting to help you turn your skin into asort of orange, glowing monstrosity that looks like it was sprayedout of a can.

作为一个珍惜血汗钱、怀疑个人借债的倡导者,杰克逊视银行为少数未经选举的私人银行家支配人民财富的畸形产物。A hard-money advocate, suspicious of personal debt, Jackson viewed the Bank as a monstrosity that gave power over the people's money to a few unelected private bankers.