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坎肩在哪里?在我的车里。Where is the vest?In my van.

小提琴在哪里?在我的坎肩上。Where is the violin?On my vest.

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我给它穿了防弹背心。He's wearing a bulletproof vest.

总重量的防弹背心。Total weight of bulletproof vest.

他的汗衫遗留在了门厅。His vest has been left in the hall.

整件背心有19个储物袋!The whole vest has 19 storage bags!

穿救生服或者浮力背心。Wear a life jacket or buoyancy vest.

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他在衬衫里面穿了件毛背心。He wore a woolen vest beneath his shirt.

草黄色俄罗斯战术背心M21。Russian Tactical Vest M21 in Olive Drab.

我看到他们给莎依玛穿上炸弹背心。I saw Shaima when they put the vest on her.

这种防弹背心从侧面系紧。This bullet-proof vest laces up at the side.

这个花样跟爸比的铁灰艾伦背心是父女装喔!And matches Daddy's steel-grey aran vest too!

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领运动背心有涂鸦设计印花。V-neck sporty vest with a graffiti graphic print.

所有男女同学都需穿著白色棉质内衣。All boys and girls have to wear white cotton vest.

我的英联邦运动会门票寄来了…附赠安全帽,救生背心,和安全靴。Along with a hard hat, hi-viz vest and safety boots.

军事启发可拆卸绗缝背心外套。Military inspired jacket with removable quilted vest.

再来还可以做俏皮的原住民风大翻领!And you can also do elaborate Aboriginal vest collars!

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长袖做底再加个背心来为胸腹保暖。Long-sleeve base layer and a vest keep your core warm.

搭配浅色裤子也很好看呢。The vest goes very well with light-coloured pants too.

它的毛皮呈黄褐色,前胸后背与颈项的颜色要深一些。Its fur is yellow-brown, with a darker vest and collar.