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那只猫拱起背向一条大狗发起了攻击。The cat hogged himself to attack a big dog.

他因横冲直撞地驾车,被警察吊销了他的驾驶执照。The police revoked his driving licence, because he hogged.

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我们碰上一辆故意堵着路不让我们超车的卡车。We got behind a truck that purposely hogged the road so that we couldn't pass.

但是,这场辩论“已被美国岗位流向印度这一话题占据了,这一外流被称作离岸。The debate "has been hogged by US-to-India, which is what's called offshoring."

小时刻姐姐战我共睡一张床,可她老是占良多处所。When we were young, my sister and l shared the same bed, but she usually hogged all the room.

很多IT经理都不喜欢这个软件,因为它占用太多带宽了。Its launch was standing-room only and most IT manager hated it since it hogged their bandwidth.

但是,由于它长长的喙,鹳好像并不能喝到一点鱼汤,只能被狐狸独享了。But it turned out thecrane couldn't drink any because of his long beak, and the fox hogged it all.

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这位稀客受到了狗仔队的密切关注,但是,为了让自己成为焦点,她还在蓝地毯上留下了一摊便便。The rare-breed was snapped by paparazzi, but made sure she hogged the limelight by leaving a deposit on the blue carpet.

不允许有不溶性胶粘剂,变形卷筒纸、凹入或凸出的芯层等混入。其芯层或面层均应未经表面处理的。Insoluble adhesives, butt rolls, slabbed or hogged medium, and treated medium or liners are not acceptable in this grade.

他贪婪地抽着大麻烟,比赫克托耳和我抽得还多,他像一堆垃圾弓成一团靠着圣坛的底部。He is superhigh. He hogged more of the weed than Hector and I and he is hunched like a pile of trash against the base of the altar.

中国自主汽车品牌,如奇瑞,吉利,上汽荣威,华晨和长城在为期一周的展览中最引人注目。Home-grown Chinese auto brands, such as Chery, Geely, SAIC Roewe, Brilliance and Great Wall, hogged most limelight of the one-week show.

这样做的后果就是电视转播机构现在只需要转变成数字方式发射前使用的频谱的一半多一点。As a consequence, television broadcasters now need little more than half the spectrum they hogged before switching to digital transmission.

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如果根据调度程序的自动观察,某个请求独占执行线程的时间超过了正常执行时间,则为“真”。True if the execute thread is being hogged by a request for much more than the normal execution time, as automatically observed by the scheduler.