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一堆人想要决定一些事,猜拳吗?。A bunch of people want to decide something, mora it?

莫拉和萨拉饥饿地看着疣猪逃跑了。Mora and Zara watch hungrily as the warthog makes its getaway.

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但对于缩短专营合同时间的建议,穆桥石就态度谨慎。Mr. Jorge Mora was very careful about the suggestion of shortening the term of exclusive contracts.

随后,喀麦隆和莫拉俩人一边一个,挽起他的胳膊,而皮特罗则潜游到马克留尔的背部,用力将他顶起来。Then Cameron and Mora each hooked an arm under his shoulders, while Petro supported his back and held his hand.

“我认为它已经成为了一个很好的领袖,”当被问到如何评价哈塞尔贝克这个赛季时,教练吉姆莫拉说。"I think he's been a really good leader for us, " coach Jim Mora said when asked to assess Hasselbeck's season.

在这一点上,强拍与约束音系学比音节理论、CV理论、X理论和莫拉理论都略高一筹。In this aspect, Beats-and-Binding Phonology is considered superior to syllable theory, CV theory, X theory and mora theory.

在一场罗伯特进了6球的比赛结束后,青年球探安东尼奥•莫拉劝说他加入当时还在丙级联赛的维琴察队。At the end of a game in which he had 6 goals, a scout Antonio Mora persuaded him to join Vicenza, a Serie C team at that time.

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但莫拉正对一个疣猪洞发生兴趣。在野外,捕食方便的话,狮子通常在猎物丰富时每3-4天进食一次。But Mora is showing interest in a warthog burrow. In the wild, lions normally eat every 3-4 days, when prey is readily available.

没人敢冒生命危险到城市的远北方探险,但有些寻访赫玛耐斯•莫拉圣坛的勇敢的朝圣者除外。Nobody ever dares to venture that far north of the city but for a few brave pilgrims seeking to visit the shrine of Hermaeus Mora.

哥伦比亚的弗朗西丝莫里说,波哥大城市付钱给父母,所以儿童直到他们完成基础教育前都不用工作。Francisco Mora from Colombia says, the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not have to work until they finish their basic education.

哥伦比亚的弗兰西斯。马诺说,波哥大的一个城市付费给父母,所以学生不用工作直到他们完成基础教育。Francisco Mora from Colunbia Colombia says the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not half have to work until they finish their basic education.

引起感染的常见病原体为铜绿假单胞菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、流感嗜血杆菌、肺炎链球菌和卡他莫拉菌。Caused by common pathogens were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella bacteria Mora.

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至于建议公开水务项目的全部成本事宜,他就认为,必需按照当地的相关规定做,不能标新立异。As for the suggestion of making public the costs of water projects, Mr. Jorge Mora said that Veolia will do it according to the local regulations, but not unconventionally.

与时长有关的音系问题,在优选论的框架内运用制约条件的不同排序都可以得到合理的分析。In the paradigm of non-linear phonology, the difference between heavy and light syllable is represented formally in syllable theory, CV phonology, X-slot theory and mora theory.

原来,就在把马克留尔拖上岸的时候,莫拉的脚扎进了一根鱼骨,等她们确认马克留尔已经安全了以后,便一头奔向学校卫生室,让护士包扎伤口。Mora had punctured her foot on a fish bone while helping McClure out of the bay, so once he was safe, the young women headed for the campus infirmary, where a nurse bandaged her wound.