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阿克顿是个非常能干的人。Acton is an able man.

他一定能唱好。He must be able to sing.

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我们可以做到这个。We were able to do this.

我们能理解这些道理We're able to read this.

不认为我能把字拼出来。I'lleverbe able to spell.

你可以轻松地哭出来。You're able to cry easily.

招聘职员,须能计算成本。Clerk wanted, able to cost.

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你能够说明白点吗?Are you able to say clearly?

难道他能做而且又愿意做?Is he both able and willing?

你不可能一下子就把他打败。You won't able to stuff him.

他未能来。He has not been able to come.

本船能否提供协助?。Is own vessel able to assist?

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它只会下象棋It's only able to play chess.

你很快就会把行李给我拿上来吗?Could you be able come up soon?

他也能给我传出高吊球。He'll be able to throw me lobs.

他也能从赛车里爬出来。He, too, was able to climb out.

我或许能驳倒他。I may be able to score him off.

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能够消化食物。The body's able to digest food.

他们能编结绳索。They were able to braid a rope.

他们有完备的功能。They're able to fully function.