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达丽尔和安德列冲树林里寻找失踪的人。Daryl and Andrea scour the woods for a missing person.

“我们希望我们的人只是比赛”总经理达里尔莫雷说。"We want our guys to just play," general manager Daryl Morey said.

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达里尔掸了掸满是灰尘的夹克衫,出去找一些吃的。Daryl brushed off his dusty jacket and went outside to gather some food.

达里玛尔黎-乘坐像亲的,有信心与您的滑雪板。By Daryl Marly – Ride like the pro's, be confident with your snowboarding.

戴若﹒顾比,国际知名金融市场技术分析大师。Daryl Guppy, well-known international financial technical analysis master.

上司身边是达利尔·罗宾逊,也可能是罗比,他的脑袋已离开了躯体。Next to him was Daryl Robinson, or Robbie. His head was off his shoulders.

在瑞克和达里尔在离开队伍打猎时,他们发现了一坐充满行尸的监狱。In rick and daryl team as they go hunting, they found a sit prison full of zombies.

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达里尔米勒德画作下,放置着由传统夏威夷拼花被装扮的床。The bed is dressed in traditional Hawaiian quilts beneath a painting by Daryl Millard.

但是设计师正在研究发行限量版的可能性。However, Daryl van Wouw is investigating the possibility of producing a limited edition.

1954年,杰拉尔德皮尔森,卡尔文富勒和达里查发明了第一个太阳能电池。In 1954, Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller and Daryl Chapin invented the first solar battery.

她提到使用步枪射击使她感到回身疼痛,所以达里尔帮她揉了揉肩膀。She mentioned using a rifle turns back to her pain, so daryl help she rubbed his shoulder.

在一个场景中,达丽尔·汉纳穿着一件绿巨人T恤给杰夫·丹尼尔斯打电话。In one scene, Daryl Hannah wears an Incredible Hulk t-shirt while talking on the phone to 'Daniels, Jeff'.

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达利尔·亨德里克斯接到电话说双胞胎出生了,就立刻赶去了堪萨斯托皮卡当地的一家医院。When Daryl Hendrix got the call that the twins were being born, he sped to his local hospital in Topeka, Kansas.

我们都有这样一种感觉,他将会是那块帮助我们在季后赛走得更深更远的拼版。"We feel like he's a strong piece to get us deeper and farther in the playoffs, " Rockets general manager Daryl Morey said.

金伯尔是私人机构“武器控制协会”的主任。他说,这项条约帮助结束了冷战时期。Daryl Kimball, Executive Director of the Arms Control Association, a private research firm, says that treaty helped end the Cold War.

而就在人们将其称之为“举世皆知的丑闻”之前,达丽尔·汉娜拍摄的,拉戈阿格里奥的石油从张开的手流下的照片已经到处流传。Before you could say "cause célèbre," photos of Daryl Hannah with Lago Agrio oil dripping from a splayed hand were circulating everywhere.

在你可以说“轰动”的达丽尔汉纳照片与拉戈阿格里奥从一滴油都张开手到处流传。Before you could say "cause célèbre, " photos of Daryl Hannah with Lago Agrio oil dripping from a splayed hand were circulating everywhere.

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火箭队总经莫雷也现身记者会,赞誉姚明对篮球的贡献,并致上祝福。General Manager Daryl Morey also appeared at the press conference and praised Yao Ming for his contribution to basketball and gave his blessings.

“在休赛期,我们目前还没有针对杰拉德的正式计划,不过我们会更仔细的观察他,考虑是否签回他,”火箭总经理达雷尔·莫雷说。"We have no formal plans for Gerald in the offseason except we will take a close look at signing him, " Rockets general manager Daryl Morey said.

莫雷从拉斯维加斯回来,虽然火箭队夏季联赛表现出色,但是他告诉我他曾经很担忧。Daryl Morey had just gotten off the plane from Las Vegas and another successful Rockets showing at the NBA Summer League when he told me he was worried.