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实际上中国并没有修正主义上台。In fact, there was no revisionism in China.

修正主义是一种资产阶级思想。Revisionism is one form of bourgeois ideology.

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因为美国有众多的越南修正主义者Because there's a broad revisionism about Vietnam.

于是,特权阶层将转变为修正主义集团。Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.

首先,我们党既不代表教条主义也不代表修正主义。First, our party neither represents dogmatism nor revisionism.

这是最腐败、最不知廉耻的修正主义!This is revisionism of the most corrupt and shameless variety.

这些因素共同作用也会形成历史修正主义的结果。They will also give rise to the result of historical revisionism.

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拿来主义和修改主义都是违反原创主义的。Both plagiarism and revisionism are doctrines against originalism.

教条主义走向反面,或者是马克思主义,或者是修正主义。When dogmatism turns into its opposite, it becomes either Marxism or revisionism.

元谷夫妇是日本右翼历史修正主义最知名的支持者之一。The Motoyas are among the most prominent backers in Japan of rightist historical revisionism.

60年代发生在南斯拉夫的修正主义事件,则是改革开放的一个较早的实验。The Yugoslavian Revisionism during the 60's might be considered as an earlier experiment of this.

伯恩施坦通过批判改造马克思主义构建了修正主义理论体系。Bernstein transformation through critical revisionism of Marxist theoretical system was constructed.

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修正主义是危险的,因为它试图将地区影响力从一个国家转移到另一个国家。Revisionism is dangerous because it seeks to shift influence in a region from one country to another.

时至今日这些塑像依然还在。但是近年来一股拨乱反正之风也刮遍了大邑。The sculptures are still there, but in recent years a wave of revisionism has been sweeping across Dayi.

为什么在世界革命的心脏工作的外国人被推上修正主义的道路???Why have foreigners working at the heart of world revolution been pushed onto the road of revisionism ???

重要的是卡拉特拉瓦后期的作品在建筑报刊之经过了一点修改。Significantly, Calatrava's work has of late been suffering a little revisionism in the architectural press.

他对反修形势的判断是片面的,反修理论的指导是不正确的。His judgement about revisionism is one-sided and his guideline related to the anti-revisionism theory is wrong.

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几个月以来,人们都在批判教条主义,却放过了修正主义。Over the last few months, people have been criticizing dogmatism but have allowed revisionism to go unchallenged.

继在国际范围内号召反对修正主义后不久,在党内亦把批判修正主义作为党内斗争的主要任务。He raised a task of anti-revisionism within the Party after calling for against revisionism in international scope.

恩格斯与第二国际修正主义关系是国际恩格斯研究的一个重要问题。The important topic of the international research on Engels is the relationship between Engels' thoughts and revisionism.