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直觉主义逻辑是达米特语义反实在论的基础。Intuitionism logic is the basis of Dummett's semantic anti-realism.

有人说软现实主义是用直觉主义反对“真正的现实主义”,也有一定道理的。Some people say that soft realism is intuitionism against the "true realism", but also a grain of truth.

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事实上,逻辑主义与直觉主义之间的现代论战是由关于无穷大的分歧引起的。The modern controversy between logicism and intuitionism arose, in fact, from disagreements over infinity.

我主张,如果没有直觉主义的话,结构主义不能为正义原则提供基础。I contend that even constructivism cannot avoid intuitionism to pave the basic bedrocks for just principles.

犹太哲学既不同于西方的理性主义哲学,也不同于中国古代的直觉主义哲学。The Jewish philosophy is different both from rationalist philosophy of West and the intuitionism of ancient China.

广义构成主义方法是综合和系统的方法,兼容直觉主义等方法。Constructivism in the broad sense is a synthetic and systemic methodology that is compatible with methods like intuitionism.

其直觉论的最重要意义是扭转人们思维的习惯方向,从而解放人的创造精神。The most significant contribution of his intuitionism is that it changed human thinking habits and set free human creative spirit.

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直觉主义创作意识下的叙事逻辑性一般地说,直觉主义与理性主义是相对立的。The narrative logic under the conciousness of intuitionismGenerally speaking, intuitionism and rationalism conflict with each other.

叙事方式的非逻辑性主要表现在叙事的无序性、偶然性和荒诞性三方面。In order to express faithfully this intuitive impression, non-logical narrative forms are adopted in Pioneer Novels to present their sense of intuitionism.

实质上,同样这三个学说以逻辑主义、直觉主义和形式主义的新名称再度出现于二十世纪数理哲学的观点中。Essentially these same three doctrines reappear in twentieth-century surveys of the philosophy of mathematics under the new names logicism, intuitionism , and formalism.

依据企业的实际需求,设计了无损检测跟踪系统的可视化用户界面,提高了系统应用的直观性。According as the enterprise fact requirement, designed visualization user interface of nondestructive test and track system, increased the system application intuitionism.

为了克服理性主义的困境,西方哲学发展出许多新的路径,其中之一就是走类似中国哲学的直觉主义路径。In order to overcome the plight of rationalism, the Western philosophy of the development of many new path, one of which China is taking a similar path intuitionism philosophy.

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西季威克调和了直觉主义和功利主义,却无法调和功利主义和利己主义,留下了著名的实践理性二元论。After all, Sidgwick left the dualism of practical reason for us. He failed to put utilitarianism and egoism together, although he succeeded in unifying intuitionism and utilitarianism.

作文和作文教学离不开直觉,但如果一味地夸大经验、灵感的作用,就会陷入直觉主义的泥潭。Composition and composition teaching can't depart from intuition. But if we exaggerate the acting force of experience and sudden inspiration, We'll fall into the marshland of intuitionism.

象弗兰克尔所说的,逻辑主义主张类是被发现的,而直觉主义主张它们是被发明的,这话的确是对实在论和概念论的古老对立所作的一个公正的论断。As Fraenkel has put it, logicism holds that classes are discovered while intuitionism holds that they are invented-a fair statement indeed of the old opposition between realism and conceptualism.