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牙髓被感染。The pulp becomes infected.

他的伤口感染了。His wound has become infected.

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伤口沾染了细菌。The wound was infected with germs.

他的勇气激励了后来人。His courage infected the followers.

她被传染上了肺结核。She was infected with tuberculosis.

我的左耳的耳鼓感染了。My left eardrum has become infected.

小心别传染上流感。Be careful not to be infected with flu.

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我必须说他的热情感染了我。I must say that his ardour infected me.

空气受到了有害气体的污染。The air is infected with noisome gases.

他的伤口熏染了病菌。He infected his wound with disease germs.

所有在美国的患者都已经痊愈。All infected U.S. patients have recovered.

人如何感染广泛耐药结核?How do people become infected with XDR-TB?

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犊牛表现明显拉稀症状。There were no symptoms in infected cattle.

羊膜表面有感染者。The amnion surface has the infected person.

“电脑保安及病毒移除区”。Your computer might have infected by virus.

曾经注射毒品是感染HIV最危险的因素。IDU is the riskiest factor for HIV infected.

有些我的人就被这种病毒感染了。Some of my men are infected with this virus.

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她的右臂因伤口感染而阵阵抽痛。Her right arm throbbed from the infected cut.

全班学生都感染上了这种病毒。The whole class were infected with the virus.

受治者中未出现新的HIV、HCV感染病例。There were no new HIV and HCV infected cases.