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他的爱太专一了。He loves them too exclusively.

只使用免费软件。Uses exclusively free software.

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周末是家人的独享时间。Weekends are exclusively for my family.

埃德蒙顿龙仅以植物为食。Edmontosaurus fed exclusively on plants.

铜专门用作配件材料。Wrot coper is exclusively used for fittings.

她专在马丁先生的店铺买东西。She trades at Mr. Martin’s store exclusively.

EN19型号的钢是专门用于做鼻环的。EN19 steel is used exclusively for nose rings.

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事实上,虎杖虱只吃这一种植物。In fact, the psyllid eats knotweed exclusively.

皮表带的带扣和皮圈均用手工缝制。The buckles and loops are sewn exclusively by hand.

他进可攻退可守,他是一个中场。For me a midfielder is not exclusively one position.

葡萄均在小箱里手工精选。Grapes are exclusively picked by hand in small boxes.

圣经也用特别喜乐的笔调描写耶稣的诞生。The bible exclusively rejoices in the birth of Jesus.

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本文只重点讨论基于词汇的搜索。The focus here is exclusively on term-based searches.

不过,此类煽动,不单为麦凯恩所独有。But the instigation isn't coming exclusively from McCain.

拥有只用于工作的办公空间和设备。Use your office space and equipment exclusively for work.

对克莱恩来说,新约的安息日是专门作为敬拜用的。For Kline, the new covenant Sabbath is exclusively cultic.

另一方面,金香对经营米铺意兴阑珊。On the other hand, the incense to operate MiPu exclusively.

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宝马X3、X5和X6三款车型均只在美国制造厂生产。The X3, X5 and X6 models are built exclusively in the U. S.

动物不应只在有缝地板上。The animals should not be kept exclusively on slatted floor.

这个皮包公司专做买空卖空的生意。This paper company does fictitious transactions exclusively.