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“大博弈”托里霍尔特仍然可以赶上。Big Game Torry Holt can still catch.

朱丽叶·肖尔与道格拉斯·霍尔特编辑。Edited by Juliet Schor and Douglas Holt.

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我告诉卡杰斯塔说我正准备去见霍尔特。I told Kjaerstad that I was going to meet Holt.

“我曾经对成为一名单身父亲深感担心,”Holt说。"I worried about being a single father, " Holt says.

霍尔特转而做股票生意,赚了一大笔钱,然后。Holt switched into the stock market, made a killing, and got out.

霍尔特机构的麦克·诺亚以及他的两个同事已经身在海地待命了。Mike Noah and two of his colleagues from Holt were already in Haiti.

“总有一天,大家会走到一起的,”他常常这样跟霍尔特说起。“It’s going to come together one day, ” he often said, Mrs. Holt recalled.

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5年前,他和他的哥哥在霍尔特的小诺福克镇买了一家书店。Five years ago, he and his brother bought a bookshop in the small Norfolk town of Holt.

现在这个术语的含义就是指霍尔特提出的以孩子为中心的特定教育形式。The term now refers to the specific style of child-centered learning advocated by Holt.

在奥斯陆北郊一间小咖啡馆里面,我和霍尔特一起喝了下午茶。In a small cafe in the northern suburbs of Oslo I join Holt for a late afternoon coffee.

于是,哈里·霍尔特频繁地往来于韩国和美国之间,不断地将满满几架飞机那样多的韩国孩子带回美国。Harry Holt made repeated trips to South Korea, bringing back planeloads of orphans for American families.

在新泽西州,一个叫拉什·霍尔特的物理学教授在选举前十天仍落后对手20个百分点。In New Jersey, a physics professor named Rush Holt was behind by 20 percent ten days before the election.

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今天,Holt和他的伴侣,后者希望匿名,正一同养育7岁的Christina。Today Holt and his partner, who asked that his name be withheld, are raising Christina, who is 7 months old.

简介了水基型、非水基型、热熔型等地毯背衬胶粘剂开发动向。The development trends of water base, non-water base and holt melt adhesives for carpet backing are described.

但是和其他很多人一样,霍尔特把哈桑少校形容为沉默内向的人,没有几个朋友。But like many others, Mr. Holt described Major Hasan as having few friends and being quiet to the point of introversion.

1967年12月17日,哈罗德·霍尔特总理去波特西的切维厄特海滩游泳,从此失踪,在也无人见过。Prime Minister Harold Holt went for a swim at Cheviot Beach, near Portsea on 17th December 1967, and was never seen again.

霍尔特法官和布鲁克斯。海斯两人总得票数稍稍高于种族隔离主义者约翰逊和奥尔福德的组合。Judge Holt and Brooks Hays had gotten slightly more votes between them than the segregationist combo of Johnson and Alford.

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霍尔特队长是个循规蹈矩的人,而第99区的侦探们长期以来忽视的正是规章和制度。Captain Holt believes in rules and regulations, two concepts that have long been overlooked by the detectives in the 99th precinct.

但是知道12岁,Rick才找到了自己的声音--一个被称为HOLD的,有Tufts大学的一个工程师团队设计的计算机系统。But it wasn't until he was 12 that Rick found his voice, called HOLT machine, a computer system created by a team of Tufts engineers.

佛罗里达大学的霍尔特说,某些生态系统的进程可能依赖规模,只有在特定的绝对规模下才能浮现出来。The University of Florida’s Holt said that some ecosystem processes might be scale-dependent, emerging only at certain absolute sizes.