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RECK基因可能在骨巨细胞瘤的发生、生长过程中起重要作用。RECK may play an important part in the invasion and growth of GCT of bone.

实验结果表明,骨巨细胞瘤中的巨噬细胞与梭形的单核细胞各具不同的特点。The difference of characteristics between macrophages and spindle mononuclear cells of GCT was described.

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一般认为基质细胞是骨巨细胞瘤的主要肿瘤细胞成分。Surgery is the most important treatment for GCT of bone, which is a invasive and potentially malignant tumor.

本研究结果可以为GCT的预后判断及分子靶向药物的开发提供实验依据。The research results may provide experimental basis for the prognosis of GCT and the molecular targeted therapeutic drugs development.

GCT阳性但OGTT阴性孕妇已存在糖代谢异常,并与妊娠结局相关。There existed abnormal glycometabolism in patients with abnormal GCT but normal OGTT, which is correlated to the outcome of pregnancy.

结论术前可根据骨巨细胞瘤的X线分度或结合病理活检结果选择合适的手术方法。Conclusion X-ray grayscale characteristics may be used for the selection of appropriate surgical methods for the treatment of the treatment of GCT.

除蛋氨酸和色氨酸外的所有氨基酸可根据两种或两种以上基码确定。All amino acids except methionine and tryptophan are specified by two or more codons . Alanine , for example, has four codons -GCA, GCC, GCG and GCT.

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模拟结果表明,缓冲层与透明阳极各自区域中的杂质总量是决定GCT的通态压降的关键因素。Simulation results show that the total amount of impurity in the buffer layer or transparent an- ode is the key to determine the on-state voltage drop of GCT device.

MMP鄄9、VEGF的表达与骨巨细胞瘤的血管生成、细胞增殖、转移及复发有关,可作为判定骨巨细胞瘤复发潜能、指导临床治疗的参考指标。The expressions of MMP-9 , VEGF are significantly related to the recurrence of GCT, and may be a reference marker to predict the recurrence of GCT and a guide for clinical treatment.

模拟结果表明,缓冲层与透明阳极各自区域中的总杂质量是决定GCT的通态压降的关键因素。Simulation results based on this model show that the total amount of impurity in the buffer layer or transparent anode is the key to determine the on-state voltage drop of GCT device.

模拟结果表明,引入缓冲层的GCT结构能够很好地调节阻断特性和通态特性,使GCT的综合特性得以优化。The results show that the introduction of a buffer layer structure of the GCT can adjust blocking characteristic and on-state characteristic well, and optimize the integrated characteristic of GCT.