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然后你出现了。Then you appeared.

但你出现了。But then you appeared.

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利马出现在1535年。Lima appeared in 1535.

它似乎就要坠毁了。It appeared about to crash.

当他通过电视上埃德?When he appeared on the Ed.

那房子似已无人居住。The house appeared deserted.

声训之出现甚早。Shengxun appeared very early.

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第二天,广告登出来了。The next day the ad appeared.

它已开始上市。It has appeared on the market.

露西穿着一套最漂亮的裙子。Lucy appeared in her best dress.

灌木丛长出了新枝。New shoots appeared on the bush.

“贝尔图乔,”管家立刻在门口出现了。The steward appeared at the door.

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这时阿格斯突然出现,瞧见了他们。Then Argus appeared and saw them.

他在60多部电影中演出过。He has appeared in over 60 movies.

他的传记上月出版了。His biography appeared last month.

出现些微希望。A few glimmerings of hope appeared.

一个看守出现在牢门口。A warder appeared at the cell door.

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出现非父母标记带型。Non-parent mark- er bonds appeared.

接着舞台上出现了一个人。Then someone appeared on the stage.

后来英格兰银行出现。Then, the bank of England appeared.