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两栖坦克T-38.The amphibious tank T-38.

这种交通工具是水陆两用的。This is an amphibious vehicle.

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两栖类动物在水中和陆地上都可以生活。Amphibious animals can live both in water and on land.

坦克登陆舰用于两栖作战。Tank landing ships are used for amphibious operations.

生为一个双栖动物,他想逃离水的世界。As an amphibious being, it wants to leave the water world.

从那之后,日本就开始建立自己的两栖部队。Japan has since started to form its own amphibious forces.

它是一种水路两栖载具,所以配备有绞盘和水炮。It's an amphibious vehicle, which has a winch and a water cannon.

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麦克阿瑟在敌后布置了大批的两栖登陆部队。Macarthur staged a massive amphibious landing behind enemy lines.

对这些船只的主要任务是两栖登陆作战。Primary mission for these ships are amphibious landing operations.

空降部队的任务是从侧翼掩护两栖进攻。The airborne units were to secure the flanks of the amphibious assault.

啊,请进,请进,我们需要另一次两栖登陆。Ah, Come in, come in. We need another one of your amphibious specialties.

嘿听着,冒险跟什么高楼大厦要不两栖动物可没什么关系,别往那想。Taking risks does not have to involve big buildings or amphibious animals.

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有时候你不想要一辆太像普通车的两栖车。Sometimes you don't want an amphibious vehicle to look too much like a car.

这样的工作方式挺好,俄罗斯飞机制造商贝贝里耶夫在Be-200两栖飞机中已经证明了这一点。Russian aircraft maker Beriev has proved this with its Be-200 amphibious plane.

英国军队曾用这种水陆两用交通工具在婆罗州作过军事演习。The British Army used these amphibious crafts in military operations in Borneo.

进攻中队,为两栖军提供火力支援。Yuke landing force assault squadron provide fire support to the amphibious force.

其中一处两栖登陆作战演习的地点靠近南海区域。Which an amphibious landing exercise near the location of the South China Sea area.

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改进的63A式两栖坦克有一个焊接炮塔和105毫米坦克线膛炮。The upgraded amphibious Type 63A tank has a welded turret and rifled 105-mm tank gun.

美国据称派了一艘航空母舰和一艘大型两栖登陆舰前往地震灾区。The US is reportedly dispatching an aircraft carrier and a large-deck amphibious ship.

此外,许多登陆艇和水陆两用坦克在汹涌的大海中沉没。Additionally, many of the landing craft and amphibious tanks foundered in the rough sea.