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像我这种情况一定要刮宫吗?Like me this situation you must curettage?

自然流产后必须刮宫吗?After natural abortion must dilatation and curettage ?

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要及时去医院做刮宫术。Should promptly go to the hospital to do surgery curettage.

您能再变谈超声波洁牙吗?Could you please say something more about ultrasonic curettage?

刮宫后13天发生性关系。刮宫后13天发生性关系。Have carnal knowledge of last 13 day the dilatation and curettage.

该冲洗管配合刮宫同时使用。The washing tube is simultaneously used along with dilatation curettage.

生物学上这些肿瘤为良性且可通过刮除术或切除术治愈。These tumors are biologically benign and are treated by curettage or resection.

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应该及时去医院做刮宫手术,别再等了!Should be timely to go to the hospital to do curettage surgery, should not wait!

早期病变可以有效地用放射线或烧灼术和刮除术来治疗。Early lesions can be successfully treated with irradiation or cautery and curettage.

很多患者通过服用中药能够免除手术刮宫治疗。By taking Chinese herbal medicine, many patients can be exempted from uterine curettage.

如果婴儿是根据一三周年龄,一种被称为吸力是用来刮除。If the baby is under thirteen weeks of age, a method known as Suction Curettage is used.

关于病灶内部刮除的研究表明复发率较高。Studies investigating the efficacy of intralesional curettage have demonstrated high recurrence rates.

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她想先把刚刚开始的进修学业完成,所以她希望我能给她安排刮宫手术。First she wants to finish the training she just started. So she asks me to arrange a curettage for her.

目的探讨病灶切刮骨水泥填充治疗肢体骨巨细胞瘤的临床应用价值。Objective To evaluate curettage plus cement reconstruction in the treatment of giant cell tumor of limbs.

孕周在8-14周之间的,因为很有可能流产不彻底,有必要行刮宫术。Between 8 and 14 weeks, curettage is necessary because of the high probability that the abortion was incomplete.

目的探讨刮除植骨治疗四肢骨巨细胞瘤的疗效。Objective To study the therapeutic effect by curettage of tumor lesion and bone grafting in giant cell tumor of limbs.

目的探讨刮宫后子宫动脉出血的介入性诊断及治疗的可行性。Objective To discuss the possibility of interventional diagnosis and treatment of uterine artery bleeding after curettage.

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目的评估负压吸引联合刮治术对牙源性颌骨角化囊肿的治疗效果。Objective To evaluate the effect of the treatment of odontogenic jaw keratocyst by suction drainage followed by curettage.

我不知道你有没有做过刮宫术,检查一下子宫内膜有没有问题,我就是害怕疼一直没做。I do not know if you have not done curettage surgery, endometrial check if there are any problems, I had not been so afraid of pain.

结论采用负压吸引联合刮治术,可有效治疗颌骨角化囊腔、缩短治疗时长。Conclusion The method of suction drainage and secondary curettage was very effective for the treatment of odontogenic jaw keratocyst.