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我是否应该厌恶毛毛虫?Should I feel revulsion at caterpillars?

葛泰第一个动作是抽身后退一步。Gerty's first movement was one of revulsion.

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这些暴力的场面使观众很反感。The violent scenes filled the audience with revulsion.

哈尔茜博士有一种混合着反感和溺爱的奇怪感觉。Dr. Halsey felt a curious mix of revulsion and maternalism.

我们锃光发亮但不太会飞的翅膀不还是会令人厌恶吗?Are our shiny, flightless wings not still a source of revulsion?

你以一种复杂的眼神打量着她,有敬佩,也夹杂着丝缕的反感。You'd look at her and feel a mixture of admiration and revulsion.

许多美国人对越战有一种出自内心的厌恶。Many americans viewed the war in Vietnam with unaffected revulsion.

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就像我刚才写我的要迟到的短信,iphone的冰冷加深了我的反感。As I composed my running-late text, the iPhone’s iciness deepened my revulsion.

宗教在东欧剧变和苏联解体的过程中起到了一定的作用。Religion had an effect on the Soviet Union's disorganization and eastern revulsion.

贝鲁斯科尼通过理解公众的意见和对现状的强烈厌恶抓住先机。Berlusconi seized the moment by understanding public sentiment and its revulsion with the status quo.

Ryback的分析在冷静的质问与道德批判之间很好地保持了平衡。Mr Ryback has done a good job maintaining a balance between dispassionate inquiry and moral revulsion.

在从反感苏格兰法院麦克尔罗伊诉麦卡利斯特案件的开庭中做出的不幸的决定,J。In revulsion from the unfortunate decision of the Scottish Court of Session in McElroy v. McAllister, J.

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门是诱惑和反感的联合体,这一定是使它对电影人来说如此有吸引力的原因。A door is a temptation and revulsion all in one, which must be what makes it so attractive to the film-maker.

她为他自己的政治旅途着迷,他一直致力于在反对纳粹主义中受。She was fascinated by his own political journey, which had been inspired throughout by a revulsion against Nazism.

在一个极度迷恋纯洁的国度里,对在本土发生的第二次核污染的强烈反感完全是发自肺腑的。In a nation fixated on purity, the revulsion against this second nuclear contamination of the homeland was visceral.

我们现在依然会热情地亲吻,但是看到在公共场合接吻的场面,我们也都会表现一丝的反感。We're both still enthusiastic kissers, but we also share a mild revulsion at the sight of publicly entwined tongues.

这让我产生了一种愉快、感激加如果司仪当众触摸我的脚趾头时,会感到的那种憎恶这三者感觉的古怪混合感。This evokes in me the weird blend of pleasure, gratitude, and revulsion I'd feel if the emcee publicly fondled my toes.

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华尔街迫切的需要的是承担收拾自己的“烂摊子”的重任,大众对其强烈的反感也逐渐削弱了华尔街长期的利益。Wall Street urgently needs to undertake its own housecleaning, for the public revulsion toward it undermines its own long-term interests.

“密集恐惧症”就是指对有密集小孔的物体感到恶心和恐惧,类似物体有蜂窝、蚁窝,尤其是莲蓬。Trypophobia is a revulsion and fear of objects with clusters of small holes – think beehives, ant holes, and in particular lotus seed heads.

有些国家出于对美国文化的尤其反感,愿意奉守有其它范例可以遵循的信念,它们是难免漫长的等待了。Those who would, out of revulsion to American culture in particular, husband the belief that other paradigms are available are in for a long wait.