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皮尔在1996年至2004年期间是克莱顿尤治的律师。Pill was a Clayton Utz lawyer from 1996 to 2004.

在克莱顿的抒情的小酒馆再喝上最后一杯咖啡。To drink one last cup of coffeeat the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.

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在克莱顿的抒情的小酒馆再喝上最后一杯咖啡。To drink one last cup of coffee at the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.

皮尔和特林达迪之前都有在克莱顿尤治执业的经历。Both Pill and Trindade have previously practiced at Clayton Utz.

当初克莱顿刚搬到纳什维尔我就知道了。I was lucky enough to get to know Clayton once he moved to Nashville.

贾斯汀娜•克莱顿是一名有23年经验的非洲辫美发师。Jestina Clayton is an African hair-braider with 23 years of experience.

而家鼠克莱顿想用他家的那个南瓜参加“南瓜大赛”,他觉得一定能凭借它夺魁。Clayton the house mouse wants to win the Biggest Pumpkin contest with his.

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在克莱顿的抒情的小酒馆再喝上最后一杯咖啡。Lawrence River. To drink one last cup of coffeeat the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.

拥有约700名律师的克莱顿尤治,则相反地增加了雇员。Clayton Utz, which has about 700 lawyers, has taken the opposite approach with these hires.

克雷顿博士开始用西方灌丛鸟做实验,希望瞭解牠们的心理活动是否符合事件记忆的标准。Dr. Clayton began to test western scrub jays to see if they met criteria for episodic memory.

克莱顿和他的小组对已经发现的钓鱼网站进行了广泛的研究。Clayton and his team have done extensive research into phishing sites hosted on cracked web servers.

“萨尔州队作为一支国家队参加了1954年世界杯预选赛阶段的比赛,”格雷汉姆·克莱顿的著作中写道。"Saarland competed as a team in the qualifying rounds for the 1954 World Cup," writes Graham Clayton.

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克莱顿刚聘请来创作了吕西安,具有非凡的故事,分享恶魔的回忆录。Clayton has just been hired to author a memoir for Lucian, a demon with an extraordinary story to share.

克莱顿解释道,当描述一个犯罪现场时,无关紧要和臆断的观点是非常有害的。Mr. Clayton explains that in crime scene investigation, opinions don't matter and assumptions are harmful.

前世界冠军克莱顿弗雷德里科斯说,他在华天还是个男孩时开始训练他,那时就对他印象很深。Clayton Fredericks, a former world champion, said he was impressed by Alex when he started coaching him as a boy.

农场经理克莱顿棺材里大湾水产养殖业是帮助再培训的商业渔民成为养鱼户。Farm manager Clayton Coffin of Great Bay Aquaculture is helping retrain commercial fishermen to become fish farmers.

商业分析师罗比·克雷顿说,在高潮过去之后,现在又到了低潮的时候了,世界经济总是会复苏的。Business analyst Robbie Clayton says after the boom, now it is time for the bust, and the world economy will recover.

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华盛顿当然了解这一切,所以它要求拓宽TPP的范围,把日本包括进来。Washington understands all this, and has called for broadening the TPP to include Japan. Clayton Yeutter, a former U.

托管的夜晚,是马耳他最好的电台DJ们绝对不能错过舞蹈音乐爱好者的克莱顿研究一个晚上之一。Hosting the night is one of Malta's finest radio DJs Clayton J. A night definitely not to be missed by dance music enthusiasts.

人们相信是格雷斯.金顿.克兰顿建议她的牧师为12月份在蒙拿冈的一次爆炸中遇难的361人悼念。Grace Golden Clayton is believed to have suggested it to her pastor after a deadly explosion in nearby Monongah in December, killing 361 men.