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她两眼充满了泪水。Her eyes were brimming with tears.

一块块石头中漾着水波Upon the brimming water among the stones

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恰是一江春水向东流。Just see the over brimming river flowing east!

关上水龙头——脸盆的水满溢出来了。Turn off the taps——the basin is brimming over.

她泪眼汪汪,显得十分不快。Brimming with tears, she looked deeply unhappy.

那位年轻的作家颇富才情。That young writer is brimming with literary talent.

他充满信心和激情。He was brimming over with confidence and excitement.

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迈克尔哀求地看着他,眼里噙着泪水。Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears.

迈克尔满怀乞求地看着他,两眼泪汪汪的。Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears.

我走了进去,店里洋溢着幸福和活泼的气氛。Into the store I went brimming with happiness and excitement.

你的手镯丁丁当当,泡沫从你坛中溢出。Your bracelets were jingling, and foam brimming over the jar.

“他们俩在一起的时候充满了欢乐”摄影师Testino说。"They are in their prime and brimming with happiness, " said Testino.

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步入一个崭新的和令人兴奋的麻将冒险充满了惊喜!Embark on a new and exciting mahjongg adventure brimming with surprises!

不过,鲍威尔的信心从来没有标帜,这周是充满。Still, Powell's confidence never flagged , and this week it was brimming.

英格兰队在锦标赛中连赢两场后信心大增。England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament.

我们用漫溢的活力想获取一种稳定的生活方式。We are most brimming with aliveness when we are just about to gain a solid form.

这是一则充满活力、画面精美、现代感十足的广告。This pictorially exquisite advertisement is brimming with vitality and modernity.

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2002至2003年间,海水温度出现了骤升,而在此之前,这片珊瑚礁充满了生机。Before water temperatures spiked here in 2002-03, this reef was brimming with life.

他是充满智慧和爱心,并希望教导人类的弗曼。He is brimming with wisdom and love, and wants to teach humanity about the overman.

以全心的姿态和面貌,信心百倍的朝着更高的目标迈进。A wholehearted attitude and outlook, brimming with confidence towards a higher goal.