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匈奴未灭,何以家为?The Hun is not out, why home?

在你左边的是匈奴大帝阿提拉。On the left there is your Attila the Hun.

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这是我认为最简单的面粉粿食谱。This is my easy version of Mee Hun Kuay's recipe.

他认为他是匈奴王阿提拉的化身。He thinks he's the reincarnation of attila the hun.

匈奴国以现今的匈牙利为中心。The Hun kingdom was centered in modern-day Hungary.

“广告里的游魂孩子不久就死了”。You Hun advertising in the near future children died.

第一章拉魂腔的历史渊源考辩。The first chapter La Hun opera history origin tests debates.

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首相洪森和他的盟友控制者几家媒体宣传。Prime Minister Hun Sen and his allies control several outlets.

第二章拉魂腔的形成及其声腔特点。Second chapter La Hun opera formation and tune characteristic.

匈奴贵人使者作为单于先行而入汉,死于中原。The envoys tried to enrage Hun and made Chanyu to fight with Han.

为什么不似卫青、霍去病一样北伐匈奴?Why do not you like Wei Qing, Huo as the Northern Expedition Hun?

一个世纪的仇恨,无数的死亡横在我们及破坏者之间。A century's enmity and countless deaths stand between us and the Hun.

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一个世纪的仇恨,无数的死亡横在我们及破坏者之间。A century’s enmity and countless deaths stand between us and the Hun.

那少女浑然未觉,一个劲儿的挥手。That young girl Hun however don't feel, waving hand of a strength son.

我经常暗叹,现在“混进”互联网的人多了,知道互联网的人却少了。I often Antan, "Hun Jin" The more people, who know the Internet is less.

不一会,他已进入了浑然忘我的境界。Different meeting, he has already got into Hun whatsoever forgets my state.

可是,凿到第七天,浑沌却被凿得七孔流血而死了。However, on the seventh day, Hun Dun bled from the seven orifices to death.

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在会见洪森时,温家宝表示,中柬关系十分密切。In the meeting with Hun Sen, Wen said, "China and Cambodia enjoy close ties.

匈奴王阿提拉就以一只苍鹰形像装饰他战斗的头盔。Attila the Hun decorated his battle helmet with the figure of one. —Mel White

多瑙河畔的匈牙利大平原,曾是匈奴王阿提拉的王庭所在。Attila the Hun set up his court in the Hungarian Plain beside the River Danube.