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精通你所做的。Excel at what you do.

不要介意尝试超过别人。Never mind trying to excel.

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你是否想在工作上做到最好?Do you want to excel on the job?

然而,人眼在其它方面有优越之处。But human eyes excel in other ways.

男性有优先权,依旧卓尔不群Men have precedency and still excel

我希望我能专精于我所读的任何东西。I hope that I can excel in anything I study.

法国人善于悠闲地享受家庭餐。The French excel at the leisurely family meal.

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现在已经被Excel取代It's now been replaced mostly by Microsoft Excel.

当有让你感兴趣的任务时可以跳出来接下以发挥你的长处。Jump at tasks that interest you and excel at them.

因为新加坡也给了他在这里当教练的机会。Becuase Singapore gave him the chance to excel here.

传记作者们善于发掘鲜为人知的事实。Biographers excel at dredging up little known facts.

缺少冲突和矛盾,就没有办法胜过他人。If you don' t seek out the conflict, you won' t excel.

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知道你在这方面赛过别人,如你做任何事一样。We know you'll excel in this as you do everything else.

去参加你喜欢的活动吧,你一定很擅长的。Engage in activities that you like, knowing you can excel.

哈姆莱特和雷欧提斯两个人都精通剑术。Hamlet and Laertes were known to excel at this sword play.

我们可以通过ADO组件对Excel文件进行读写访问。We can ADO components to read and write Excel files visit.

脚的数量是打开电算表的密码。The number of legs is the password to unlock the Excel sheet.

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爱好各项体育运动擅长乒乓球和羽毛球。The hobby each sports excel at the pingpong and the badminton.

每年圣瓦伦丁节,患相思病的英国人都表现出色。The lovesick St. British Excel themselves each Valentine's Day.

我爱天竺葵,胜于其他任何花,尤其是红色的。I love fish pelargonium, excel other any flowers, especially gules.