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对于我来说,一个方面一项任务就足够了。In my case, I have just one task for each facet.

第三个方面是迭代选择的项。The third facet is iterating through selected items.

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刑事化政治腐败的另一个方面。Criminalisation of politics is another facet of corruption.

高薪阶层职业妇女的身份只是她生活的一个方面。Being a well-paid business woman is only one facet of her life.

树的每个分枝都对应于元数据的一个方面。Each branch of the tree corresponds to a facet of the metadata.

那的一个小平面多面整体对哪些我及早提到了。One facet of that multi-faceted whole to which I referred earlier.

他们探究环境中的每一面,直至最为细微的细节。They explore every facet of their environment down to the finest detail.

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此外,你可以知道哪一方面需要更多的精力。Besides, you will be able to see which facet requires the most attention.

在印度,贪腐已经渗透生活的每一层面,深入社会的每一阶层。Corruption pervades every facet of life and every rung of society in India.

一部分患者的小关节可能存在异常的或其他的神经支配。Some people may have aberrant or additional innervation of the facet joints.

学校仅仅是你人生教育的过客罢了。Think of school as just one facet of the larger self-education in your life.

提出了一种图像小面模型拟舍的快速并行计算结构。A parallel computing architecture for image facet model fitting is presented.

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言归正传,家父也发现了有趣的另一面。Joking aside, my father also noticed another interesting facet to the evening.

水钻是把人造水晶玻璃切割成钻石刻面而得到的一种饰品辅件。It is a kind of Accessory that cut artifical crystal glass into diamond's facet.

制作垂直、光滑的光栅槽面是制作EDG的关键。Etching vertical and smooth grating facet is the basic of the fabrication of EDG.

拍摄首饰用光时必须一灯一调,对首饰切割面和表面的光线也要做到一面一调。Lighting jewelry is done one light at a time, and one facet or surface at a time.

为了帮你回顾,我倾向分享一些你可以就每个方面自己问自己的问题。To help you reflect, I’d share some questions you can ask yourself for each facet.

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面搜索结果通常只显示每个面的几个可能值。Faceted search results typically display only a few possible values for each facet.

确实,几乎软件开发的每个方面都提供了至少一个框架。Indeed, almost every facet of software development proffers at least one framework.

他们思想活跃,迫切地想要掌握自己所学知识的每一个方面。His is not a narrow mind, but one eager to grasp every facet of anything he studies.