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由于他的职业,谢尔顿知道这种声音意味着什么。Shelton knew that what he was hearing was bad.

谢尔顿接下来问迪伦怎么才能让他快乐呢。Shelton then asks Dylan what would make him happy.

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“他的脸看上去像是万圣节面具,”谢尔顿说道,“他没有大脑,我手上都是脑浆。“His face looked like a Halloween mask,” Shelton said. “No brains.

“他的脸看上去像是万圣节面具,”谢尔顿说道,“他没有大脑,我手上都是脑浆。“His face looked like a Halloween mask, ” Shelton said. “No brains.

谢尔顿从她眼睛里凝定的光波中看到她一点儿也不明白。Shelton saw from the fixed beam in her eyes that she had not an inkling.

克里斯.谢尔顿中士扔下一名叫做穆罕默德.塔里的叛乱者的东西。Sgt. Chris Shelton dropped the belongings of an insurgent named Mohammad Tali.

谢尔顿将他的理论以常识和个人观察作为基础。Shelton based his theory upon what he called common sense and personal observation.

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要碰到一个不象谢尔顿那样心神贯注的人,就可以注意到,他的声音里有一种怡然自得的意味。Some one less absorbed than shelton might have noticed a kind of relish in his voice.

正如休·谢尔顿讲过的,拦截一枚入侵的导弹就像“子弹打子弹”。As Hugh Shelton had said, shooting down an incoming missile was like a bullet hitting a bullet.

然而尼克告知其在法庭上没有正义,只有诡辩而已,主张私了。However, Rice tells Shelton that it does not matter what is right, but what can be proven in court.

后来,当人们给他看由卫星拍摄的地球照片时,谢尔顿说这些照片是假的。Later, when people showed him pictures of the Earth taken by satellites, Shelton claimed the photos were fake.

谢尔顿没有来得及估算餐厅的损失,因为他看到一个女人在对街的房子的残骸中焦急的走来走去。Shelton barely had time to register the damage when he saw a woman fleeing the remains of the house across the street.

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我还要求谢尔顿将军和迪克·克拉克制定某些措施,安排特种部队到阿富汗。I had also asked General Shelton and Dick Clarke to develop some options for dropping commando forces into Afghanistan.

兰伯特依靠她那首改变自己星路历程的歌曲拿到“年度最佳女歌手录影带奖”,此前,她已经凭借这首歌跟她的新婚丈夫谢尔顿一起获得格莱美奖。Lambert took female video of the year for the life-changing song that's earned her a Grammy AND her new husband, Shelton.

谢尔顿根据年级等级一年支出大约在10,000-21,000美金之间,希尔山和谢尔顿的学生都是住在家里的走读生,地标学院提供住宿一年大概花费50,000美金Shelton costs between ten and twenty-one thousand, depending on the grade level. Shelton and Hillside students live at home.

谢尔顿学校还称虽然一些学生在这里一直待到完成高中学业,但他们的目标还是旨于为学生们返回到普通课堂做准备。The Shelton School also says its goal is to prepare students to return to regular classes, although some do finish high school there.

Shelton还觉得社会媒体让她有机会更好地和组织的成员们沟通,也使得他们能更好地和彼此沟通。Shelton also feels that social media has allow her to connect better with her constituents and allowed them to connect with each other.

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他的赫斯特何车已经冲进拖动条主要街道和全国各地的50多年来,“赫斯特说,主席奈特谢尔顿。His Hurst H. O. Pontiacs have stormed drag strips and main streets across the country for 50 years, " said Hurst Chairman, Nate Shelton."

谢尔顿忽然想起了安东妮亚,她的率直的眼睛,白里透红的面孔上的雀斑,拢在后面的金色的秀发。Thoughts of Antonia with her candid eyes, the touch of freckling on her pink-white skin, the fair hair gathered back, sprang up in Shelton.

心情倾听着,直听到这位老演员把话讲完,又恢复了他那趴在台子上的蜷缩姿势为止。Shelton listened with mingled feelings of amusement and dismay, till the old actor, having finished resumed his crouching posture at the table.