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猎狗闻出了有狐狸的气味。The hounds had winded the fox.

我们爬那个陡坡累得上气不接下气。We were winded by the steep climb.

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当她到达山底的时候已经喘不过气了。By the time she reached the bottom she was winded.

他的肚子上挨了一击,一时喘不过气来。He was momentarily winded by the blow to his stomach.

他先拿一张纸卷在铅笔上,然后将结合处粘住。At first he winded a piece of paper around a pencil and glued it.

随着年龄的增长,他爬楼时很容易就会变得喘不过气来。As he became old, he easily got winded just from walking up stairs.

你瘦了,憔悴了,请允许我千万次的关心和啰嗦。You lean, haggard, please allow me a million times care and long winded.

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他笨重地走进房内,显得气喘吁吁的。His tie is askew and he appears a bit winded as he lumbers into the room.

一开始我跑半英里,即使刮大风也照常。I started out by running about half a mile, heavily winded after doing so.

纤维缠绕环形复合材料容器是一种新型结构的压力容器。Toroidal composite vessel winded with fabric is a new kind of mechanical pressure vessels.

人们有时问我是否接电话时正在跑步或在外面逛,这就是听起来气喘的样子。People sometimes asked if I was running or working out while I was talking that’s how winded I sounded.

复卷不同宽度,只需调整校正导轮,即可将不平整材料校正达到平整收卷。Rewinding for different width , and the unleveled materials can be winded levelly only by adjusting the guide wheel.

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钢丝绳绕经驱动轮时部分成圆周缠绕,一部分是直线缠绕。When the steel wire rope is winded by the drive wheel some winded along the circumference, others winded along the straight line.

同时,对影响缠绕制品致密性的关键物理参数—布带张力的控制及检测,作了较为详细的探讨。The key parameters i. e. control and inspection of tape tension, effecting compactness of winded product are investigated in detail.

弗农姨父坐回椅子里,像犀牛一样呼哧带喘,斜着小眼睛目光锐利地紧盯着哈利。Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry closely out of the corners of his small, sharp eyes.

首先分析了缠绕机的工作方式、缠绕工艺及影响缠绕制品质量的关键因素。The working mode of the winding machine, winding technology and the key factors effecting quality of the winded product are anylised at first.

你只需要旋转“缪斯”的左侧,直至发条完全上紧,发条运转时花瓶会开始播放歌曲。You just have to rotate “Muse” to the left until the clockwork is winded completely and the vase will play a song while the clockwork runs down.

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具有良好的自愈性能。金属化聚酯薄膜作为电介质,环氧树脂包封,并径向引出CP线。This type is self-healing flat style capacitor, winded with Metallized Polyester Film as dielectric, epoxy resin dipped coating and with radial CP wire.

详细介绍了水平双极铅布电池和卷绕式铅布电池的结构特点、优点、工艺难点和工艺要求。The structure characteristics, advantages, key problems and technology requirement for bi-polar plate and winded electrodes were respectively described in detail.

对于走路你可能很抓狂,但你一旦到了顶层,你就是在第60层,你的重力势能,与你如何到达那里无关。You might be winded doing it the second way, but when you get to the top and you are at the 60th story your gravitational potential is independent of how you got there.