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这是一种可以使地球重现活力的方法。This is a way to reanimate the world.

黑色的是支付2B来掘坟一个生物。Black one has 2B to reanimate a creature.

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现在振作起来为自己设定目标。And now reanimate yourself again and set up the aim for yourself.

现在让自己活过来,然后为自己设立一个目标。And now reanimate yourself again and set up the aim for yourself.

因此,使之复活即是使之相互关联,赋予转化中的真实以生命。So, to reanimate is to make relevant, to give life to transcendent truths.

人体冷冻学出现到今天,我们仍然不能复苏那些冷冻保存的人。For cryonics to work today, it is not necessary that we can currently reanimate cryo-preserved patients.

费拉莫斯卡在现场就已经确认死亡,但凭借生命力顽强支撑着的内里送到医院后还是抢救无效。Ferramosca was pronounced dead at the scene, but desperate attempts to reanimate Neri at the hospital failed.

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对楼市的这种期望有些试图让死人复活的意味,不久之前的楼市泡沫破裂都已经超过了之前的繁荣。Such hopes for housing would smack of an effort to reanimate a corpse, had the bust not so far outpaced the boom.

这的确会加强那些新巫毒教徒的信心,即那些相信通过精心设计的金融规范能挽救已死的银行。Hence the popularity of the new voodoo, which claims, as I said, that elaborate financial rituals can reanimate dead banks.

遇到谈话暂时冷场,或者年轻人的羞怯重又回升占上风的时候,也总是布兰茜为她的舞伴打开僵局。It was Blanche who, when the conversation flagged and the youth's modesty came rushing back and overpowering him, knew how to reanimate her companion.

尽管事情已经过去了,但是准非政府组织担心,一旦废除这个办公室,又会引起争吵。And when the problem, whatever it is, is yesterday's news, the quango remains, for fear that abolishing it would reanimate the issue, or provoke claims of heartlessness.