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你看上去有点紧张,怎么了?You look a bit nervy . Why?

艾伦很急躁,很明显他处于紧张不安的状态。Alan was irritable, and very evidently in a nervy state.

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带着这么多恩恩怨怨,两边队员开场都很谨慎。With so much at stake both sets of players made nervy starts.

就你的立场而言竞选返校节皇后有点紧张吧。Kinda nervy for someone in your position to be running for homecoming queen.

具有转折意义的是,紧缩的金融市场将会使少数党政府更容易通过各种评估的考验。In a twist, nervy financial markets may make it easier for a minority government to push through tough measures.

乔尼。埃文斯赞扬了博尔顿在周末联赛中发扬的永不言败精神。Jonny Evans was full of praise for Bolton's never-say-die approach in Saturday's nervy encounter at Old Trafford.

印度的两个主要政党都很紧张,因为在选前会议中,他们发现自己处于一个更加拥挤的竞技场上。India's two main parties were already nervy . As at the pre-poll meeting, they find themselves in an increasingly crowded arena.

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铜供过于求的现象在中国越来越明显,令投资者惶惶不安。The increasingly apparent oversupply of copper in China, consumer of 40 per cent of the world's supply, has made investors nervy.

星期一,由于大雪和结冰,欧洲机场一片混乱,成千名准备回家过圣诞的滞留旅客感到十分焦急。Thousands of stranded travellers faced a nervy battle to get home for Christmas as snow and ice caused chaos at European airports Monday.

一家中型银行杰富瑞公司表示,紧张不安的投资者选择观望,客户交易活动“全面放缓,令人痛苦”。With nervy investors sitting on their hands, client activity was "painfully slow across the board", according to Jefferies, a middle-sized bank.

麦克拉伦同样在巴塞罗那对安道尔时的大胆胜利后不再找到持续的嘲笑,在那以后球迷们变得耐心多了。McClaren was also on the receiving end of sustained derision during the nervy victory over Andorra in Barcelona in March, but the fans have been more patient since then.