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你是个差强人意的吉他手吗?Are you a passable guitar player?

她的英语发音还说得过去。Her English pronunciation is passable.

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每个岛屿周围有一个沼泽。There is a fen around each island – a passable bog.

如果是碧昂斯,她会努力练习直到她的技术到达合格的水准。Beyoncé, say, would have practiced hard, gotten her skill level up to passable.

而且自从我开始用精油之后,就不用这些半吊子的东西了。But since I started using essential oils, you do not have these barely passable.

不仅需要有完整的测试套件,所有的测试必须还都能通过。Not only must there be a comprehensive test suite available, all tests must be passable.

廉价的还可以让衣服屡次被它们糟糕的扣子露出马脚。Perfectly passable inexpensive pieces are given away time and again by their crappy buttons.

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几天之内,几乎所有的道路都已通车,尽管有些搭建了临时的桥梁。All the main roads were made passable within a few days, although some still have temporary bridges.

摄像头还可以用来快照,后置的那个能够拍摄720p的高清视频,还算说得过去吧。The cameras can also be used to shoot snapshots, and the rear one does passable 720p high-def video.

在周边道路稀少或荒芜的乡间,安全无法得到保障。In the surrounding countryside, which has barely passable roads or none at all, there’s little safety.

上午我兑换了我所有的外币,给自己买了一套还算过得去的衣服。In the morning I changed all the foreign money in my possession, and bought myself a passable suit off the peg.

结果并不完美,但可以满足一小部分使用很老的浏览器的用户需要。The results won't be perfect, but they'll be passable for the small fraction of users running very old browsers.

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只有这样,通用扫描线填充算法才能做到真正的通用。The improvement of scan-line method will make it passable that all kinds of polygons can be filled correctly by this algorithm.

他再次以其令人信服的演技弥补了他不怎么样的歌喉和舞姿,并抢了他出现的场景中的所有镜头。Again like Cagney, he compensated for his passable singing and dancing abilities with all-out conviction and stole all his scenes.

偏瘫尚可在头痛消失后持续数小时、数天或数周时间不等。Hemiplegia is passable in have a headache hour, number is counted continuously after disappearing day or several weeks of time vary.

几乎每个富裕的家庭都可以从它的成员中凑出一个水平过得去的弦乐四重奏演出小组。Virtually every well-to-do family could muster a passable string quartet among its members, creating a constant demand for new scores.

书中还充满了令人难以置信的现实生活周围的龙卷风发生在过去,包括通行照片事件。The book is also filled with incredible real-life events surrounding tornadoes that occurred in the past and includes passable photographs.

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但是到目前为止,三大巨头的规模每隔几年就翻番扩大,而印度的糟糕的教育体制也还能提供过得去的劳动力。Yet so far they have doubled in size every few years without exhausting the supply of passable warm bodies from India’s lousy education system.

尽管如此,比起只是简单的使用一个测试集和一个训练集,这种方法可以产生比较低的差异,还算是一个可以说得过去的结果。Nevertheless, if you're in a bind for data, this can yield passable results with lower variance than simply using one test set and one training set.

据纽约时报报道,尽管中国学生已经在SAT考试中占据了统治地位,而且他们的入学申请都非常完美,但很多刚到美国的学生的英语还处在刚刚入门的水平。According to New York Times many of these students are arriving with barely passable English, despite dominating the SATs and having impeccable applications.