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奥巴马的母亲是一个梦想家。Obama's mother was a dreamer.

那么,查拉斯的梦想是否幼稚了些?So is Charas a naive dreamer?

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那个做梦的人又来了,他又有一个梦要告诉父亲。Here comes that dreamer again!

我耽于做梦。在梦醒之时我故作坚强I am a dreamer but when I wake

水中花,镜中月,梦中人。Blokus, the mirror month, dreamer.

我将知道你不只是我梦中人。I will know that your are no dreamer.

他曾一度被人称为空想家,怪人。He’s been called a dreamer and a crank.

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她是空想者和实干者的结合。She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer.

做个理想家,但不能活在梦幻的世界里。Being a dreamer but not living in a dream world.

有所梦想,但不要沉溺于梦想。Being a dreamer but not living in a dream worle.

世界永远属于追梦的人。The world always belongs to the way for dreamer.

梦者醒来的那一刻一切都凝固了。Everything stops when the dreamer suddenly awakens.

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世界永远属于追梦的人。The world always belong to the way for the dreamer.

世界为追梦者开路!Please remember, the world makes way for the dreamer.

不需要,因为这世界永远属于寻梦的人的。No, because the world always makes way for the dreamer.

有时这样一个梦,可带回现实。Sometimes such a dreamer can be brought back to reality.

当我们来到这个世界,我们已经永远的是一个追梦者了。When we came into the world, we are the dreamer forever!

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彼此说,你看。那作梦的来了。And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.

同样,有与他的梦分离的发梦者。In the same way there is the dreamer separate from his dream.

梦想者和实用主义者为幻想与现实问题而斗争不已。The dreamer and pragmatist battle over fantasy versus reality.