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好了,这就是我们如何描述乙烷的。All right, so that's how we describe ethane.

天然气由甲烷、乙烷、丙烷和丁烷组成。Natural gas is composed of methane ethane propane and butane.

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乙烷脱氢制乙烯是乙烷利用的有效途径。Advances in ethane dehydrogenation to ethene have been reviewed.

云层可能正在向下面的甲烷湖飘落乙烷雪。The cloud might be snowing ethane snowflakes into methane lakes below.

让我们来讨论乙烷,以及如何写出这些键。So let's talk about ethane and how we would actually write these bonds.

乙烷脱氢制乙烯是乙烷利用的有效途径。Ethane dehydrogenation to ethene is an effective method for using ethane.

而是一种以甲烷和乙烷为标志的烃类物质的大气循环。It is instead an exotic climate of hydrocarbons that features methane and ethane.

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甲烷和乙烷是否共存于土卫六表面的湖泊或海洋中?Are methane and ethane mixed together in hydrocarbon lakes or seas on Titan's surface?

介绍了环氧乙烷与二元醇的分离方法和条件。The method and the condition of separation epoxy ethane from dihydric alcohol are described.

根据乙烷的重叠式和交叉式,还可描述一种更细微的异构现象。A more subtle kind of isomerism is illustrated by the eclipsed and staggered forms of ethane.

科学家们已经了解土卫六大气层中并没有预期那么多的乙烷。Scientists already knew there wasn't as much ethane in Titan's atmosphere as they'd expected.

MHP主要来自乙烷降解过程中的中间物乙醛的光解。MHP was mainly generated from the photolysis of acet aldehyde formed in thee degradation of ethane.

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对乙烷裂解制造乙烯的非平衡过程进行了分析。Nonequilibrium process for cracking ethane in the manufacture of ethene is numerically investigated.

本文就我国环氧乙烷的生产现状及其应用作一介绍。The present state of production and application for epoxy ethane in China is described in this paper.

该指数具有优异的选择性,对乙烷至癸烷的149种烷烃显示唯一性表征。The topological index has good selectivity, and appears solivity for 149 alkanes from ethane to decane.

甲烷氧化偶联生成乙烷和乙烯是几年前出现的新工艺。The oxidative coupling of methane to produce ethane and ethylene is a new process developed in recent years.

这或许能部分的解释泰坦中低纬度地区缺乏乙烷海洋和乙烷云。That may partially explain the lack of liquid ethane oceans and clouds at Titan's middle and lower latitudes.

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二氧化碳的作用是消除积炭以及与氢反应以提高乙烷的脱氢反应转化率。The function of carbon dioxide is to remove coke and react with hydrogen to accelerate dehydrogenation of ethane.

银作催化剂用的场合不多,主要用于乙烯氧化制环氧乙烷、甲醇氧化制甲醛及乙二醇的生产。It is mainly used for producing epoxy ethane with ethylene, formaldehyde with methanol and producing ethylene glycol.

在此基础上,对茂名地区环氧乙烷衍生物产品的开发提出一些建议。On this base, suggestions are also made for the developmenl of derivative products of epoxy ethane in Maoming region.