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法国提出引渡她的申请。France has applied to extradite her.

塞内加尔表示将于星期一把哈布雷引渡回乍得。Senegal says it will extradite Habre on Monday.

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他们拒绝把劫机犯人引渡到美国。They refused to extradite the hijackers to the U. S.

警方设法把杀人犯从那个岛国引渡回国。The police arranged to extradite the murderer from the island state.

就是否引渡的决定阿桑格预计需要几周时间。A decision on whether to extradite Assange is expected to take several weeks.

大赦国际17日透露,瑞典19日计划将至少14名伊拉克人引渡回国。Amnesty International said 17 Swedish, 19 plan to extradite at least 14 Iraqis.

因为一些极不公平的相关条约的规定,英国政府不能引渡他们回国。Britain cannot extradite them, because of the gross imbalance of the relevant treaty.

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俄罗斯还指责英国拒绝莫斯科通缉的俄罗斯公民。Russia also accuses Britain of refusing to extradite Russian citizens wanted by Moscow.

预算案禁止对拒绝向美国引渡暴力刑事犯的国家提供援助。The bill would prohibit assistance to countries that refuse to extradite violent criminals to the United States.

帕尼坦特别强调说,阿披实取消行程与泰国向美引渡布特没有关系。Panitan emphasized that the cancellation Abhisit extradite Bout to the United States and Thailand does not matter.

哈布雷在塞内加尔的律师哈德杰。迪尔夫说,瓦德总统决定将这位乍得前领导人引渡回国是要摧毁他。Habre lawyer El Hadj Diouf says President Wade's decision to extradite the former Chadian leader is meant to destroy him.

瑞士司法部表示,波兰斯基正处于关押中,有关方面将决定是否将他引渡至美国。Mr. Polanski was jailed pending a decision on whether to extradite him to the U.S., according to the Swiss Justice Ministry.

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美国继续向俄罗斯施压,要求引渡前美国国家安全局承包人爱德华·斯诺登,他因泄露机密情报被起诉。The US continues to press Russia to extradite former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who is charged with leaking classified information.

作为交换条件,美国将放弃引渡该人的努力。双方就此协议达成一致,但是诺列加随后退出。In exchange, the U. S. would drop efforts to extradite the man. Both sides shook hands on the deal, but Noriega subsequently backed out.

但一个高级法院的法官在对他的起诉进行了回顾后,认为国家部长把他引渡到美国的决定是不合法的。A high court judge granted a judicial review of his case, suggesting that the home secretary's decision to extradite him could be unlawful.

瑞士官方23日表示,美国正式向瑞士提出引渡电影导演罗曼·波兰斯基,后者被指在30余年前在美国诱奸了一名少女。The US has formally asked Switzerland to extradite director Roman Polanski over a 3-decade-old child sex case, Swiss authorities said Friday.

流亡的俄罗斯亿万富翁鲍里斯.别列佐夫斯基呼吁推翻俄罗斯总统普京后,俄罗斯再次要求英国将他引渡回俄罗斯。Russia has renewed calls for Britain to extradite exiled billionaire Boris Berezovsky after he urged an overthrow of President Vladimir Putin.

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法国当局拒绝将他引渡给美国,声称他的罪行并不在两国签定的引渡条约范围内。French authorities refused to extradite him to the U.S., claiming that his crime didn't fall under those covered by treaties between the two countries.

与此同时,泰国方面表示,正派出警察试图追踪他信获得签证的国家,同时寻求美方协助,将他信引渡回国。At the same time, Thai said the police tried to track him being sent the letter to obtain a visa national, while seeking U. S. help, to extradite Thaksin.

泰国总理阿披实11日表示,柬埔寨政府正式拒绝了泰国政府提交的引渡泰流亡前总理他信的申请。Cambodia has refused a request by Thailand to extradite ousted former Thai Premier Thaksin Shinawatra, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Wednesday.