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脑回顶部容易受到创伤外力的打击。The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces.

额中回与额下回的区分是以矢状走行的额下沟为标志。Inferior frontal sulcus is the landmark of middle and inferior frontal gyri.

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左侧的大脑半球小于右侧,脑沟较深,脑回也比右侧狭窄。The left cerebral hemisphere is smaller with deeper sulci and narrower gyri.

女人是利用她们左右眉骨后的侧脑回发音的。Women do phonological processing with both their right and left inferior frontal gyri.

组织学上的特征表现为出现结节,它是扩大、变硬、变白的脑回。The characteristic feature is the presence of "tubers" which are enlarged and firm, whitened gyri.

额叶冠状面显示累及下方脑回的广泛挫伤。A coronal section through the frontal lobes reveals extensive contusions involving the inferior gyri.

本文对150例胎儿和新生儿大脑的左右颞横回数目进行了观察。Observations on the numbers of the left and right Heschl's gyri of 150 fetuses and infants have been made.

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结节性硬化症,变硬变白的脑回比周围正常的脑回宽是其典型表现。This area of firm, whitened gyri that are broader than surrounding normal gyri is typical for tuberous sclerosis.

矢状面上利用髓突定位脑回、脑叶准确可靠,为一种较为实用的方法。It is a reliable and accurate method to localize the gyri and lobes according to the pattern of medullary branches.

人脑的表面错综复杂,有深的裂纹,浅的沟槽,又叫做脑沟,还有凸起,学名叫脑回。The surface of the human brain is convoluted by deep fissures, smaller grooves called sulci, and ridges called gyri.

脑水肿病人大脑表面显示脑回变宽、表面平坦,脑沟变窄。The surface of the brain with cerebral edema demonstrates widened gyri with a flattened surface. The sulci are narrowed.

注意中央前回及中央后回区域,也就是主要的感觉运动皮层定位区在图中呈相对高灌注影。Note that both pre- and post- central gyri , where the primary sensorimotor cortices are located, are relatively hyperperfused.

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脑沟与脑回的形态基本左右半球对称,是对脑进行分叶和定位的重要标志。Sulci and gyri of the left and right hemispheressymmetrical basic shape is the leaf and the brain to locate an important symbol.

结果5例正常扫描均能清楚地显示中央沟、外侧裂等大脑半球的主要沟回。Results 5 normal cases with surface anatomy scanning showed excellent visualization of the sulci and gyri on the surface of the brain.

透过脸孔,梭状回的活化被注意力的情况强烈地影响,但左侧杏仁核对于恐惧脸孔的反应则没有受影响。Activation of fusiform gyri by faces was strongly affected by attentional condition, but the left amygdala response to fearful faces was not.

图示旧挫伤主要存在于额叶右下部。脑回顶部容易受到创伤外力的打击。Seen here are remote contusions , mainly of the right inferior frontal lobe. The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces.

在显露硬膜下结构时,内镜下侧方可显露海绵窦外侧壁,前方可显露双侧嗅神经和直回。To expose subdural structures, lateral wall of cavernous sinus in lateral, olfactory nerves and rectal gyri in front were revealed under endoscope.

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而脑回和脑沟神经元形状系统性的差异是否也会影响到它们的功能,是个颇吸引人探究的问题。It will be an intriguing challenge to figure out whether such systematic differences in the shapes of neurons in gyri and sulci also affect their function.

但当在额上回向额中回过度的层面时,其髓突支模糊不清,尤其在MRI图像上以皮质信号占优势。On the sections which contain superior and middle frontal gyri together, medullary branches are blur, especially signal of cortex predominate on MRI image.

对照组激活区包括颞上回、中央前回、扣带回、丘脑、岛叶、小脑等。In the control group, signal increases areas were demonstrated in superior temporal gyri , precentral gyri , cingulate gyri , thalamus, insula and cerebellum.