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我想主发条断了。I think the mainspring is broken.

发条带动表走。The mainspring makes the watch motion.

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对音乐的热爱是他一生中的主要部分。The love of music was a mainspring of his life.

试验的真正的主要泉源就在此。Therein lies the true mainspring of the experiment.

挑战是人类所有行为的中心和发条。Challenge is the core and mainspring of all human action.

小型公司是英国经济的主体。Small companies are the mainspring of the British economy.

而这一切的主要原因就是那麽一个人的贪欲和自私自利之心。And the mainspring of it all was-the greed and selfishness of one man.

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他对自由的信仰是他对奴隶制度作斗争的动力。His belief in freedom was the mainspring of his fight against slavery.

他对自由的信仰是他反抗奴隶制度的主要动力。His belief in liberty was the mainspring of his fight against slavery.

目的性在逻辑上不能当成语言发展的主要动力。Purposiveness cannot, logically, be the mainspring for language development.

它一直是主要动力,每颠覆运动,在十九世纪。It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century.

腕部的运动使得摆锤摇摆,自动使主发条上紧。The movements of the wrist make the rotor swing and this winds the mainspring automatically.

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在1500年初用发条代替钟锤来驱动时钟发明后不久,就出现了第一批表。The first watches appeared shortly after 1500, when the mainspring was invented as a replacement for weights in driving clocks.

如果我们不能观察这些不平等,我们必须发明他们,因为他们是经济增长的主要动机。If we were unable to observe these inequalities, we would have to invent them because they are the mainspring of economic growth.

但美国的事件正好提醒人们,澳大利亚多么依赖作为全球经济主发条的美国。But events in the United States have been a reminder of just how dependent Australia remains on the U.S. as mainspring of the global economy.

但是占有欲,虽然是资本主义系统下的主要发动机,但并不意味着是出于克服饥饿而产生的最大动机。But acquisitiveness, although it is the mainspring of the capitalist system, is by no means the most powerful of the motives that survive the conquest of hunger.

作为“主流”顾问公司的总裁,约翰·康诺利的观点是,电子商务的出现给公司的经理们带来了巨大的、令人兴奋的挑战。From his perspective as head of the Mainspring consultant firm, John Connolly believes the emergence of electronic business has created enormous and exciting challenges for business managers.