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我们一起来念儿歌。Let's read a chant.

听一听,跟读并说唱。Listen, repeat and chant.

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下雨和哎呦的儿歌。Rain ank ouch ouch chant.

祭司唱起赞歌。The flamen chant their approval.

吟咏仍在继续,声音空灵而虔诚。The CHANT continues, hypnotically.

街头艺人也到这儿来卖唱。Ballad-singers come and chant here.

这也许是比较急促的号子。The work's chant maybe a rapid one.

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在厕所里可以默念佛号吗?Can I chant Amitabha Buddha silently?

炤过X光的祈祷者捕获了一个灰色盘子。The X-rayed chant preyed a gray salver.

唱诵那个名字解放你的灵魂。Chant the name and set your spirit free.

这已经表现的不像是一首球队的队歌了。It does not behave like a football chant.

在歌声中,“苏哈尔”号越过马斯喀特的陆岬。Sohar passed the headland at Muscat to a chant.

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高山仰止、清扬风曲,文明的碎片逐渐凝聚。High mountains chant a beautiful song of the wind.

我可以唱诵,也可以舞蹈,’不可以,不要用这样的方式想问题。I can chant and dance, ' No, don't think like that.

耳边听得兰亭曲,一咏流觞已有名。Lanting ears hear song, a chant flow feast has name.

他高兴得眉开眼笑,仿佛见到祥龙咏唱。He looked happy as if hearing Auspicious Dragon Chant.

圣咏在欧洲的几个中心得以分别发展。Chant developed separately in several European centres.

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现在正有关于让孩子在学校唱圣歌的提议。There is a suggestion to make kids chant it at schools.

歌声从车顶的一个喇叭里飘出。The chant emanated from a loudspeaker on top of the car.

你注意到和尚都是一再反复地念经了吗?Did you notice that monks chant scriptures over and over?